4- mutton

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Xiaowu doesn't like Master. She can see it in his eyes. He drags her down the rocky sandy path back towards the Danchi Base Camp, the clippity-clop of a horse's hooves drowning out the sound of the wind behind them. Xiaowu squeezes Xiaofeng's hand tighter. She can't help glancing down at the new feeling that sparks such fireflies in her stomach—she was right. His hands are warm and clammy.

She attempts to look over her shoulder, curious to see if Master is still standing there. But she can hardly see past the glare of the sun.

"What're you looking at?"

The sound of Xiaowu's voice—high strung with annoyance that Xiaofeng is hearing in him for the first time—causes her to snap her head back around. She glances sheepishly down. Then turns to stare wide-eyed up at Xiaowu. He doesn't meet her gaze, but his grip is cozy and firm.

He finally looks over at her, as though humouring her. He cocks an eyebrow, "Hmm? Xiaofeng. What are you looking at now?"

She cracks a grin, "Nothing."


"Nope!" she giggles. His hand tightens ever-so-slightly around hers and she can't help the burst of joy that springs to life inside of her. She kicks at a few shiny pebbles on the ground, leaning on the strong support of his arm.

He scoffs a laugh.

"Hey, Gu Xiaowu."

"Yes, muttonhead?"

"You don't like Master, do you?"

He doesn't seem to like her asking, that's what he doesn't like. She feels the slight stiffen of his chest beside her, which he pretends doesn't happen altogether. He says breezily, "Fool. What's there not to like? He's my cousin, after all."

Xiaofeng cocks her head, "That's true... but then why don't you guys get along? I don't understand. I get along with all my cousins."

"Yeah, well, your precious Master and I aren't from Danchi, are we? Muttonhead."

"Hey!" She scowls. "Don't call me that. I don't like that name."

"Of course you don't."

A peaceful moment passes. And then a thought hits Xiaofeng. She brightens, whirling around to face him with wide eyes, "Hey, Gu Xiaowu! Did you know that mutton is the food of the animal that's most preyed on in this area of the world? Grandfather told me. That's why it's so tasty. Because it's cooked by the blood of all the animal's torture and suffering and all its misery. It's almost a sacrifice."

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