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TODAY WAS THE DAY. Today was the day everything would be set into place. The day he would remember for the rest of his life.

Kirishima would confess to the girl he had a crush on.

It was a little sudden for his liking, but he took was Bakugou said into account and want to waist no time. He wanted his feelings out into the he open.

The redhead was on his way to a flower shop, he knew y/n would appreciate flowers. She was pretty like a flower, so he went with that.

Even though you'd give flowers to girl on a first date or as a confession that wasn't what he wanted to do. Originally he knew the girl deserved much more than that.

She deserved her own star.

She was as gorgeous as the stars that shined in them sky to him and that's what she deserved. Sadly he wasn't sure how to get her a star.

There was the whole naming stars after people thing but he was still figuring out how to do that. So he had to settle for flowers even though she deserved more.

Walking into the store he looked around for a little until his eyes caught the most beautiful flower he'd ever seen.

Looking at the tag it read... "Star Jasmine? Closest things to a star."

It was in a star shaped for with white as the base. Slowly in the middle it turned to a purple shade making it look even more galactic. It smelled the typical smell of jasmine.

He picked up the flower and brought it to register where an old lady was working. She looked as bright as ever when seeing the flowers the young boy had chosen.

"Flower for your partner?" She asked taking his money.

"Flowers for the girl I'm gonna confess to today!" He said with a nervous smile.

She laughed at him wholeheartedly "I'm sure she'll love them. Please forever let the stars be in your favor."

He looked up at her surprised while she winked at him, shooing him out of the store.

He walked to the hospital baffled.

A few days ago y/n had a fever and had to be sent back to the hospital. Mitsuki checked on her everyday after work and Bakugou called her along with Kirishima.

A weird feeling ran in the air that both boys felt when she had to go back. They didn't want to talk about it so they let it be.

The stress level needed to be kept down for her sake.

Soon arriving to the hospital he walked in with the small bouquet of flowers. The receptionist greeted him, for she remembered Kirishima from the last times he was there.

He walked to a different room than last time onto to see two adult standing outside the door. They were talking to a doctor who had a normal look on his face.

Nothing seemed to be wrong but Kirishima didn't know how to get into the room so he awkwardly stood a few meters away from the people.

As soon as he looked back to the couple they seemed to notice his presence. The adult male walked over to him while to women stood behind.

"Is there something I can help you with young man?" He ask in a deep voice. He was taller and towering over the younger males frame.

Kirishima gulped before he answered. "I was gonna go and see y/n..." he had an intimidating aura that even Kirishima feared.

The male looked over to the female and she smiled. He looked back to Kirishima as the female head walked to them.

"I'm y/n's dad and this is her mom."

Kirishima's eyes widened a little before returning to normal size. He didn't want to seem disrespectful to his crushes parents.

"Ignore him, he's trying to act scary when he's not. It's nice to meet you sweetie whats your name?" She stuck her hand out for him to shake.

She seemed much more sweet and calming. The way her voice travels through his ears soothed him a little more on the situation.

Kirishima instantly went in "Kirishima Eijirou. I'm y/n's friend..."

She laughed lightly "Soon to be boyfriend I presume. By the flowers it seems you know quite a bit about her!"

Both males in the hallway stiffened upon hearing this. Feeling the deathly stare from the father Kirishima nodded his head.

"I hope so..."

The mother looked to the father and he signed. He put and hand on the teens should and started to give him another talk he's heard times before.

"Listen kid, if you like my daughter I'm not sure you should do this... we really don't know how long she's going to live for and we need her to focus on other things."

Kirishima felt a pit in his stomach and wanted to cry, but he knew he couldn't. He needed to do the things Bakugou told him to. He needed to make y/n happy.

"With all do respect sir... if I ask her out I know it'll make her happy! She needs someone like me to be there for her and help her, and I promise there'll be no broken hearts!"

The mother sighed and started to talk. "I think what my idiot husband meant to say was... just be careful. We don't want someone else as hurt as we are, but I know you'll make her happy."

She looked up to her husband to looked upset by what she said. He only wanted his little girl to feel safe.

Being parent was a hard job enough... now there was a deathly problem on the plate for them as well. They needed for her to be not only safe but happy too.

Kirishima smile and held out his hand towards the father "I promise she'll be in good hands. Though I'm not quite sure how this'll go... even if she says no I'll still be there for her!"

Her father seemed to visibly relax by the words. He nodded his head towards her door telling him to go in.

He opened the door with flowers in hand and saw y/n in a hospital gown without her wig on.

She smiled at him.

"Ei! Hi!"

Here's another cliff hanger

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Here's another cliff hanger. It was needed, but you'll love the next chapter it'll be super cute and unexpected 😏 (this is probably the emoji I use the most).
Love you

In The Stars / E. KirishimaWhere stories live. Discover now