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I was now nine months pregnant and I was excited for the little baby Hummel. Me and Kurt had decided to not know the gender until they were born. I sat in Rachel and Blaines apartment a week after my due date. As I stood up to grab a drink it felt like piss came out of my body. Then I realised it wasn't piss at all.
"My water just broke" I said
"What?" Blaine asked jumping up
Forgot to add Kurt and Rachel were down at the convenience store buying dinner. Blaine rushed around the room to grab everything he could while calling Kurt. Kurt said he would meet us down at the hospital as he said Sam and Mercedes were also with them. Blaine helped me out of the apartment and down to his car which was parked by the side of the road.
"You okay?" Blaine asked
"The contractions are bad but at least I know what they're gonna be like" I replied clutching onto him as he helped me into the car
Blaine floored it to the hospital as i clutched onto the dashboard to try and take away the pain. When we arrived Blaine helped me out of the car and into the hospitsl where we were directed to a room. I laid on the bed as we waited for Kurt. Blaine kept hold of my hand during all of the contractions. Then Kurt came running in, Sam and Mercedes close behind.
"Honey" Kurt said rushing over
"Ill be okay" I replied grabbing onto his hand
Blaine stepped back to walk round the room as Mercedes took his spot. As each contraction came i squeezed Kurts hand even harder every time.
"Dont squeeze so tight" Kurt moaned
"Stop moaning, i have to push this thing out of me" I said slapping him
Then Rachel came running in trying to seem elegant.
"How far through?" Rachel asked
"2 centimetres" Sam replied
Rachel stood next to Sam at the end of the bed rubbing my knee. Blaine ended up putting the radio on to comfort me.


Onc upon a time not so long ago

Tommy used to work on th dock unions been on strike
Hes down on his luck its tough so tough


Gina works in the diner all day workung for her man
She brings home her pay for love for love

She says weve got to hold on to what weve got
It doesnt make a difference if we make it or not
Weve got each other and thats a lot for love
Well give it a shot


Woah were half way there
Woah livin on a prayer
Take my hand and well make it i swear
Woah livin on a prayer


Tommys got his six string in hock
Now hes holding in what he used to make it talk
So tough its tough


Gine dreams of runnung away
When she cried in the night Tommy whispers
Baby its okay someday


Weve got to hold on to what weve got
It doesnt makea difference if we make it or not
Weve got each other and thats a lot for love
Well give it a shot


Woah were half way there
Woah livin on a prayer
Take my hand well make it i swear
Woah livin on a prayer
Livin on a prayer

Oh weve got to hold on ready or not
You live for the fight when its all that youve got
Woah were half way there
Woah livin on a prayer
Take my hand well make it i swear
Woah livin on a prayer

Woah were half way there
Woah livin on a prayer
Take my hand well make it i swear

Woah were half way there
Woah livin on a prayer
Take my hand well make ir i swear
Woah livin on a prayer

I smiled at them in thanks as the contractions took over.

About 50 years later, joking it was more liek 30 hours, i was almost 10 centimetres through and the others were almost asleep.
"Youre 10 centimetres" the doctor announced "Start pushing"
I did as she said and pushed as hard as i could. Sam had a look of disgust etched across his handsome face.
"It is disgusting" Sam muttered
"The babys crowning" Rachel announced
I stopped pushing at the end of the contraction and smiled at the fact i was about to have another baby.
"Wheres Midnight?" I asked
"With Artie, he came to New York and is in our apartment with the little one" Kurt replied stroking my hair
I nodded in reply as the next contraction came.
"You can do this" Blaine said
After about five minutes the doctor told me that i had one last push left. Once it was all over Kurt cut the unbilichal chord before the baby was taken to get cleaned up.
"What is it?" I asked
"A girl" Kurt replied walking back over with the baby in his arms
Then i noticed Rachel pull out a bottle of champagne.
"Rachel i need some" I said leaning forward
"Hang on, ive got some plastic champagne glasses" Rachel said staning up
I then took the baby from Kurt as he took a seat hovering on the bed with his arm round me.
"What shall we call her?" I asked looking to Kurt
"What works well with Hummel" Kurt began to ponder out loud
It got us all thinking until i blurted out a name while sipping champagne.
"River" I blurted
"Yeah" Kurt agreed "Maybe the middle name Nestor" (A/n: had to make an Ethan Nestor/Crankgameplays referance in this)
The doctor wrote down the name before going to get a birth certificate while we kept drinking champagne.
"Joint best day ever" Kurt said holding his glass up
"Whats the other one?" I asked
"Midnights birth" Kurt replied as i handed River to Blaine
After about 10 minutes i ended up posting a picture on instagram to tell my fans that i had had the baby. In minutes i had comments and likes for the post which brought a smile to my face.

What is love (Kurt Hummel fan fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora