You Have A Diary?

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A/N: So, you know how you're like...standing in the shower and somehow come up with an idea for something and don't want to lose it so you have to write it somewhere or repeat it in your head over and over until you finally get it down so you don't forget it? Yeah, that's me right now. You probably know how it all went down, no explanation.

BUT OKAY, I actually thought this was a cute idea for me to do. Like Phil doing diary entries, basically.

Warnings: Cutting and fluff




Dear Diary,

Wow I haven't written in this thing in forever! It's so dusty, wow.

Well, I'm finally in the middle of Year 9. It's not all that fun, as all the other people still bully me. Sigh. I try to channel it out still. It seems to help somehow?

I've also been thinking something huge lately. I have been for the past years. I'm just too afraid to admit it to myself, great.

May I also mention it's 2:36 AM? Sorry, Diary, if I've awoken your long sleep inside of my draws.

I don't have many friends at school still. I've been talking to this nice guy, Dan, for a little while. But that's probably because he was sat next to me in English since the beginning of the year. I mean, he's one of the populars. He wouldn't really care for an unpopular boy like me. Nobody wants to be friends with that person.

Well, I'm actually getting tired now. I really did this to clear my mind, and my god, it works.

Sorry if I've disturbed you, again!

Love, Phil

I smiled weakly and set my diary on my nightstand. Then I turned my head on my pillow and finally forced myself to drift off to sleep, while hugging Lion.

*6:45 AM*

*alarm playing 'Plug In Baby' by Muse*

"Uuuuugh," I groan as I turn off the alarm on my phone. I love that song, don't get me wrong. It's just that I hate school. Especially trying to live it.

I've actually kind of been depressed for a while, since people will bully me. Thankfully not physically. That would hurt me less, possibly. They verbally bully me, though. Every single insult feels like a punch in my heart, shattering it even more every day.

I leapt out of bed and went into the bathroom to take a quick 5 minute shower. Then when I finished, I wrapped a towel around me and went back into my room to put on my black skinny jeans, a pair of red Converse, and my Gengar shirt. I went back into the bathroom to dry my damp hair and straighten it. Then I put my contacts in since I felt like not wearing my glasses.

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