part four: home..

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finally the two warriors made it home...
well at least it was home for one of them...

techno pov

astolfo: s-so this is your home?

techno: yea it's pretty old and it doesn't really protect me from the cold.. but it's all I have...
do you want some hot coco?

astolfo: hot... coco..? what's that?

has he never had coco before?!?

techno: its like.... Hot chocolate,
like melted chocolate with milk

astolfo: sure! i'll have some!

techno: all right let me put the kettle boiling.
uh- t-there's some books under the coffee table if you want to read or whatever...

astolfo: i-its fine, i'll just wait.

techno: ah alright.

I walked to the couch to set beside him..
we're really close for some reason.. uh-


did he just scoot closer to me?

astolfo: s-sorry techno i'm just really cold...

techno: a-ah no worries..

I said as I scooted closer to him.
our shoulders are basically touching...
we're both a blushing mess at this point..
god why is he so... cute??!?

suddenly there's this loud hissing noise

techno: a-ah kettle is done

I stood up and went to pour the water into the coffee mug with the hot chocolate powder

and then I walked back to him to give it to him

techno: here you go.

astolfo: ah thank y-you techno..

techno: so.. do you know where you came from or where you were before you got kidnapped?

to be continued

warriors. astolfo x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now