Day 1 of Hell

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Two minutes of walking down the hall I'm already getting made fun of. The map of the halls in my hand is like a giant neon sign hanging above my head with arrows pointing to my head saying "YES! I AM A FRESHMAN! LOOK AT ME!" I already want to go home.
I found it. Room 219. Class.... Freshman living. Pretty much a class that teaches you how to get through high school without committing suicide.
"GOOOOOOD MORNING FRESHMEN! I'm Mrs.Willington! How are you all today!?" Mrs. Willington yelled. A mixture of mumbled answers came from the class of freshmen. "Awe! Come on freshmen! I kno-" the morning announcements interrupted Mrs. Willington.
"Good morning students and faculty, the football game Friday night will be away at West Ville, so make sure you drop by to show your tiger pride. Also club meetings will be held in the gym during 5th period. Now if you would all stand for the pledge."
The class stood, faced the flag with their hands over their hearts, and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Lunch. It's where your social life goes up or burns down in flames. For me, I'm not exactly popular but I talk to pretty much everyone. I sat by my best friend Maya and a few of my other friends. Lunch was as usual. Got made fun of by upper class men and talked about how things went over the summer.

"It's 2:00 tigers! You are now dismissed!"
FINALLY! I rushed down the hall to get outside
I knew exactly who it was... Zack Benjamin an ADORABLE sophomore football player that was totally into me but I couldn't let him know that I drooled over him, it would ruin it. I mean a guy like that. Tall, brown hair always pushed up, sparkling green eyes, and his body! Just looking at him is borderline orgasmic. We're neighbors so I get to watch him run around in the yard, shirtless. Lucky me.
I stopped and turned around slowly "Zack" I said with a smile
"Well if it isn't the gorgeous Alice Eleanor Wallace. You're a freshie now huh?" He said getting closer and closer to me, causing me to back up into the lockers.
"Yeah that's me, the most adorable freshman in history" I joked
"Damn right!" He said. He paused and stared at me. We were really close now.
".... What?" I said feeling my face turn red
" ... Would you want me to drive you home? I mean you live right next to me so."
"Sure" I said, teasing him a smile and running a finger down his chest, feeling the lines of his abs.
He took a deep breath and held it in.
"What?" I said looking directly into his eyes.
"Nothing Alls, let's go." He walked me down the hall out to his truck. Oh how I love his truck. It's a charcoal black lifted Chevy. I'm not really the type of girl to pick between Ford and Chevy, but my oh my how I love to watch him get all hot and sweaty working on it in his driveway.
He walked me out to his truck and helped me in. He got in the drivers seat but instead of starting the truck he leaned over, grabbed my face, and kissed me deeply, getting rougher and rougher. His windows were tented so no one could see in. He slid his hands down to my waist and pulled me on top of him so I straddled his waist. I pulled back, breathless.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." He said slightly lifting my shirt. I started to panic. I'm still a virgin... I don't know if I'm ready for this....

HEYYY!!! Hopefully it's getting better for you. Like I said first time ever writing a story like this. I love you all! Read, comment, talk to me!! I wanna know what you think! Thank you so much!! ~ Habry :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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