Part II

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Evie's Notes: Thank you for all of the love and support you have given the story so far! I hope you enjoy the new chapter!


After getting Antonia settled down for a nap, Fabian made his way back out to the main room. It was amazing how little the house has changed in the ten years they had been gone. Entering the sitting room, Fabian caught sight of a blond head he hadn't seen in years. "Mick! Oh my gods mate, I haven't seen you in forever. How have you been? How's Sierra and Victoria?".

"It's good to see you too man. Sierra's around here somewhere. I think she went out back to shoot some hoops. Apparently, they installed a basketball court the year after you all left".

"I've got to say I'm surprised to see you here".

"Well Anubis has always been a large part of my life, and even though I left in year eleven, this place is still super special to me. I would hate to see a torn down... after all it's home".

"Yeah, hopefully we can come up with a plan to stop my asshole father".

"Heard about your fall out with you parents, tough break mate"

"Less of a fall, more of a push... but yeah. I wasn't gonna leave Toni though, she didn't deserve that".

"Well I'm proud of you, for what it's worth".

"Thanks Mick".

The rest of the pair's conversation was cut off with the rambunctious entrance of two familiar toddlers.

"Uncle Fabian!" screamed Cassidy.

"Hey Cass" greeted Fabian, hugging the little girl "Did you have fun with your grandpa?"

"Uh huh, we got to go to a restaurant and have tiny little sandwiches" informed the girl with a very serious face.

"The brown water was yucky though" added her twin Tucker with a disgusted face.

"Yeah, it takes a little while to get used to the taste of tea" agreed Fabian. "Where are your mum and dad?"

"Dad's parking the car and mom, well she was behind us..."

"Where did you little terrors go?" came Patricia's shout.

"Eeek! Hide us!" begged the twins running behind Fabian.

"They're definitely not in here Patricia" sing-songed Fabian.

"Oh Fabian, thank goodness" gasped the woman as she entered the room "and Mick what wonderful surprise!"

"Hey Trixie. It's been too long"

"Damn straight! We haven't seen you since the wedding. Speaking of which, is Victoria here with you?".

"No, Vicki had a conference and wasn't able to join us this time".

"Well that's too bad! Let her know to give me a call sometime soon, I'd love to catch up with her".

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