Chapter Three ~ And to Think I Actually Thought I Was Lucky

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  • Dedicated to Rita (you know who you are!)... [:

Alrighty, guys I'm so sorry for not uploading earlier. I had a quite unfortuante disease you might just call "Writer's Block." And I'm so sorry about that! But I will quit wasting your time with silly excuses and apolgies so you can read this next chapter (:

P.S. I promise that I will upload in two days, I PINKY promise. And we all know that pinky promises are unbreakable no matter what.




"Okay. Whatever you say, babe." I purred seductively, trying not to gag at the tone I was faking. Slowly I walked forward closing the remaining distance between us. He immediate shut his eyes in anticipation and lust, as his lips stayed in a crooked smile. Stretching on the tips of my toes I neared his face until our lips were just centimeters apart.

I paused dramatically before whispering "Yeah, right!" Which then led to me stomping on his foot, hastily gathering my books from the floor and sprinting off to my next class to flee from what had to be a very flared up Kendall. But like I always my luck turned on me and I felt a warm hand on my forearm. Instantly, I knew who it was and I flailed in a desperate attempt to free myself from his steady grip. Of course to no success. I yanked my foot up, about to stomp on his foot again when he suddenly spoke again.

"Please stop! I need your help!"

In any other case I would have brushed his plea from my shoulders and stomp on his foot anyways, but the tone of his voice made me reconsider. He actually sounded, in a way, desperate. Biting my lip in thought I gradually lowered my foot to the ground. I stayed silent waiting in anticipation for whatever he needed my help for, but he didn't say anything. He just stood there noiselessly anilizing my face, which I must admit was making me feel a bit self conscious.

Was there dirt on my face or something?

Not willing to stay in the awkward silence anymore I raised my eyebrows and asked, "Okay, so you need my help..." I trailed off expecting him to finally explain. He shook his head vigorously as if he was trying to rid his mind of a bad thought before smiling smugly, and questioning,

"Do you think you can get your hair out of that sloppy ponytail once in a while?"

Before I could yell at this he continued,

"And stop wearing those ugly glasses?"

My face turned the shade of the kin kind of ripe tomatoes they always show in infomercials advertising fertilizer that make plants grow twice their natural size. My body quivered in anger, and I didn't even want to know how scary my death glare looked at the moment. But Kendall didn't seem effected by my immense anger in any way, as he only laughed at my reaction.

Oh, he was going to get it. Suddenly I smiled innocently, which earned me a shocked look from Kendall.

"You know, I should start more thought into how I look." My voice sounded smooth and considerate, and I dearly hoped that none of my inside fury leaked through. A fake happy expression stretching across my face, I reached up and griped the scrunchy holding my hair up and pulled it from my mass of frizzy hair. I shook my head, attempting to look like those girls in the shampoo commercials where they swish their hair about and look gorgeous.

I may have not looked like any gorgeous model getting paid five-grand to be on a shampoo commercial, but I sure caught Kendall by surprise. While he stand there shocked I punched him across the face, thought it probably didn't' hurt too bad considering I didn't pack the hardest punch you've ever seen. But the knowledge of the fact that it probably barely even hurt him didn't stop me as I grinned proudly while he clutched the red mark on his cheek. That'll teach him not to mess with me.

"What was that for?" He questioned incredulously, still holding his cheek in pain.

"Do you honestly not know?" I spat, getting more frustrated by the second. How could he not know what I was talking about? Did he seriously forget he pretty much just told me I looked ugly not even a minute ago?

"Not really!"

"Oh my gosh! You're an idiot!" I shrieked, stomping away from the irking jerk behind me and to class, which should me ending any second.

"Wait! I'm sorry! I really need your help!" He yelled behind me, his voice getting louder meaning he was running after me and getting closer by the second. Slipping out of my heels, I reached down and grabbed my shoes before running full speed down the hall barefoot. Maybe I could get enough distance between us when the bell rings, which I prayed would happen any second now. Then people would crowd the halls and he wouldn't be able to find me. I guess fate pitied me because for once in my life things actually worked out on my side.

The bell dinged and instantly a rush of students filled the hall, making the void between Kendall and me bigger and bigger. There was no way he could find me now.

Well, at least, I thought so until I felt someone clutch my arm in a warm hand that could only belong to the oh-so-wonderful Kendall. Sarcasm intended.


I forgot to mention that this is dedicated to my best friend, who inspired me to keep on writing this story (Thanks so much, Rita!)

Again, I'm so sorry for not updating earlier but I promise to make it up to you!

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Okay, I'll stop freaking you out and just let you do whatever! :)

Random Reason To Vote: A duck's quack never echos.

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