surprisingly beautiful

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Beth banged on the door "I know you're in there, so get your lazy ass out here"
Again Beth banged on the door to her friends house "Y/N!!"
She yelled louder at if all posable.
Y/N finally had enough and made her way down stairs, she was hopping to hit Beth's face when she opened the door but sadly that's not how things were gonna work.

"I'm coming, so stop before the nabbers call the cops or even worse my parents"
Y/N shook at the thought of her parents coming home weeks yearly from there 're kindle our love' trip.

"Speaking is it living by yourself for a month and a Half?"
Beth asked as the two girls started to walk towards Beth's car.
"It's nice, I don't have to deal with my mom constantly barking at me about how my life is going no ware........but I did get a really strange visit from Lilly last night, she seemed really shooken up"

Beth nodded as she tried to start the car, but as soon as she turned the key the engine made a loud noise and the car jumped slightly.
"shit the engine stalled" Beth said hitting her steering wheel of her 'new' old car "this is what happens when you buy a peace of junk from some dudes ratty old house"
Y/N said when Beth was finally able to start the car "what it was on sale"
"On sale doesn't always mean better."

The ride into town, or at least where all the good shops were wasn't to bad. The two girls argued about the so called high quality of Beth's car but in the end, they ended up taking about Lilly again.

"So what happened with Lilly last night?"
Beth asked half minded as she looked for a parking spot. "She came over to my house last night....she said she saw a ghoul"
"Pay no mind to it, Lilly says things like that all the time"
The small red hatchback jumped forward again when it came to a stop.
"I know that she lies a lot but....she seemed really scared when I talked to her"
Beth punched Y/N in the arm "stop taking about Lilly, you're mine today so let's go find you some cloths that don't look like you got them from the thrift shop"
Beth smiled kindly but Y/N new she was threatening her and the punch was only a warning for her to shut it and pay attention to Beth.


The day had gone by painfully slow for Y/N, Beth had dragged her around for hours on end asking her to "try this" or "hold this for me" oh and she even had the nerve to say "can you get this for me, I'll pay you back"
But thankfully the day of shopping was coming to an end.

Y/N and Beth were waking around when she suddenly came to a stop causing Y/N to bump into her. "Beth what the hell, don't just stop walking"
"Do you remember where we parked the car?"
"What do you mean?" She asked
"I mean what I said, where did we park?"
"You're kidding me Beth, you drag me around with for six hours, make me pay for 'your' food and some of 'your' cloths and you don't even remember where you fucking parked the car!"
Y/N raised her voice at Beth dropping some of the bags she was carrying that didn't even belong to her, and started to walk away.
"Are you coming?"
"Ware are you going Y/N?"
"I'm gonna find the god damn car"
Beth picked up the bags and ran after her.

They wandered around but to no avail, the only thing they found was that they found themselves now lost in god knows where.
"Y/N you got us lost, wait to go" Beth said sarcastically "you're the one who dragged me here today so you have no right to say that"
Y/N said shutting Beth up for a while.

"Y/N" Beth said softly
"Shut it, I don't want to hear it"
"But Y/N loo~" she was cut off
"Please just be quiet for one second, that's all I'm asking of you......please"
"But there's a shop over there" Beth said pointing in the direction of a shop that appeared to be open.
"Maybe we can ask for directions on how to get out of here!"
She said jumping up and holding out a hand for Y/N
"Ya I guess.....and once we find out where we are we can find your car and leave" Y/N said thinking about the comfort of her home and how she could finally get some sleep after a long day of friend problems and drama.

The two walked over to the shop until they were in front of the door "ya know I don't think I have ever seen this place before......"
"Me neither, but there's a first time for everything right?" Beth said pushing open the door to the shop.

"Creepy.....but surprisingly beautiful" were the first words out of Beth's mouth when she walked into the shop.
"No it's just creepy" Y/N said looking around the shop at all the masks that were hanging on display
"H~hello?" Beth said now walking circles around the store looking for someone to help them "is anyone here?.......hello!"
Y/N was on the other side of the shop looking at all the works of art that were seen within the masks "Beth there isn't anyone here, so stop asking" she yelled across the room but stopped when she herd some rustling a few meters away from her.

"Hello?" Y/N asked approaching the spot ware she herd the noise.
She shook her head pushing away the idea that someone was there but soon was corrected of that by someone touching her shoulder and saying "boo" in a monotoned voice, causing Y/N to scream and fall backwards on one if the displays.
She soon was filled with anger and looked up thinking she would see a lighting Beth but was somewhat startled when she saw a tall tattooed man standing above her with a bored yet innocent look on his pierced face.

"Why did you do that" Y/N asked still remaining on the floor, but moved her hand to cup her elbow that was bleeding after falling onto one of the masks and breaking it into pieces, when she put her arm down on the ground to help push herself up one of the pieces cut her arm.
The man looked down at her and didn't speak for a while until he parted his lips a said in a monotoned voice
"because....I was bored"

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