Chapter 1: Arriving at Camp Half-Blood

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You walk into Camp Half-Blood, it's not your first time here.  You are the daughter of y/gp. You walk down Half-Blood Hill to the cabins and walks to y/cn to put your bags down then go for a walk.

You get to y/c and put your stuff down then walks out of y/c. You walk pass cabin 10 and walks right into my crush and my friend Piper McLean the daughter of Aphrodite but you never have the guts to tell her how you really feel about her.

"Oh I'm sorry Pipes, I didn't see you there." You giggle nervously.

"It's okay y/nn" Piper smiles her adorable smile that make you melt and go weak at the knees.

You think "gods Piper that smile of yours if only you knew what that smile does to me."

"What does my smile do to you, y/nn?" Piper asks

"Gods did I say that out loud?" You asks her

"Yep." Piper popped the p in yep

You sigh and grab Piper's hand and pulls her to the woods since your brothers and sisters don't know y/s. Once you through you were far enough away and without thinking you kiss her on the lips roughly and to your surprise she kissed you back.

You pull away from the kiss and look down "I-i sorry"

Piper put her hand under your chin and makes you look at her. She surprise you by kissing you softly and sweety. You put your arms around her neck and she puts her arms around your waist pulling you closer to her to where your body is against hers. You can feel your heartbeats getting faster and you are certain she can feel your heartbeat.

Sorry if the first chapter is short

Word count: 295 words

Piper McLean x female reader (smut)Where stories live. Discover now