February 11 2015

21 0 1

It all started today in science I was sitting across from him with her so we could work on some seasons thing I don't know I wasn't paying attention to her. While sitting there his friend starts Manding weird comments but that doesn't make me made cause he makes comments about me and his friend him dating all the time of course we weren't but whatever makes him happy, of course I don't know who to believe but I listen every time I don't know why but I do. Him doesn't help, he makes it worse I ask him what have u ever done to you, that's when he makes me think I'm the stupidest person ever. Him is like when haven't you "remember the time you kissed me on a cheek because of a DAR--" Me "It was a dare it's not like u asked her to dare me to kiss you on the fricken Check, she told me she would but I didn't believe her, and I was nice I asked for you permission but because I did it I surfer, do u have any fricken idea of what I go through every day from YOUR frie--" Him " Mistakes" Me" no your Friends."
Mrs walks by how are you all doing great we all respond. Mrs walks away.Me. "Question what else have I done".Him"You wrote a book about ME".Me"She told me to ( not the she I'm sitting next to).Him." No it was your idea".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2015 ⏰

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