Chapter 7 Caught ya

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Vanessa woke up at 5:15 a.m. to her phone ringing. It was her aunt Denise calling her. "Hello?" Vanessa answered in a quiet voice. "Hey baby. Uh You know all I want to do is protect you right? "Uhhh yes" "Ok. Well...." "Auntie it's 5 o'clock in the morning what's the problem?" Vanessa sounded as if she had very low amount of energy as she asked her aunt what was wrong. Denise did not want to drain her even more but she had to tell her. Denise took a deep breath,"I seen Mar'kel at the Alley. He was with a tall, light skinned girl. I couldn't see her completely because I had accidentally opened the door on them then I closed it." It grew silent for a minute or two. "Vanessa? Baby auntie is so sorry, but I thought it's better that you heard it from me first rather than out in the streets" Vanessa was still silent. She felt her heart sink, her body crumple, and her soul leave. "Vanessa?" Denise called out again, but the phone hung up. She did not know what to do or say, so she just sat there. She could not even think. All she could do was sit there until she fell back to sleep.

When Mar'kel got home at 5:30 a.m. his parents were sound a sleep. He went up to his room and started pacing back and forth. He was thinking of all the things he was going to say to Vanessa, how he was going to apologize , and how much he was going to tell her he loved her. The only thing he did not think of was how she was going to react.

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