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Arriving at home, I search for my chapstick.
When searching in my jacket I had finally found it in the pocket, I also felt a scrunched up piece of paper. It's probably an old receipt.
I take both of them out. I unwrap the paper

Text me as soon as you find this! xxTobes

I smile at the message, he must've put this in my jacket when he left Wired. I immediately get my phone and text him.

To bestfriend <3 :
Just found your note x

From bestfriend <3 :
You like Cal!

I blushed at his text.

To bestfriend <3 :
Stop! He just got very fit.

Seconds later my phone rang and it was Tobi.
"I hate you" I smirk.
"Elle, I know you too well. You gave him the eyes!"
"I did not." I defended myself.
"Sure" he said sarcastically, I rolled my eyes knowing very well he was not able to see it.
"You're lame. I'll talk to you later." he said and we both hung up.

The next day I promised Tobi to go to his.
After eating lunch I made my way to his flat.
"Hi." we hugged as he let me inside.
"Oh, you're here as well." I look probably like an idiot, staring at Simon sitting on Tobi's couch.
"Long story" Tobi mouthed to me as I gave him a confused look.

I hear the familiar song "SO DONE" by The Kid LAROI and I get excited.
"Tobi oh my god this song! How come it's playing I thought you hate Laroi." I tell him.
He laughs: "Stop I do not hate him. I'm just forced to listen to him every time I'm with you. Simon loves his music though."
I looked at Simon. "Me too actually." I smile.
"He is unreal, I've been obsessed." I nod at him. "Yeah I only listen to his music nowadays."
He laughs and takes out his phone. "Literally this is my driving playlist." he shows me a playlist he made on Spotify. I laugh as I realise mine is exactly the same and also he had all his songs hearted.
I take out mine and show him the playlist I was just listening to on the way here.
"You have great music taste then." he winked at me. I smiled and responded: "You too."
"Do I leave at this point?" Tobi asked sarcastically.
"Might as well you're not part of the Kid LAROI family."

"So what are we doing?" I ask sitting down next to Simon.
"To be honest, I have no idea." Tobi said.
"Do we drink?" I smirk at Tobi he gave me a judgemental look, obviously I know Tobi does not drink at all.
"Do I drink?" I rephrase but then realised an alcoholic was sitting next to me and regret asking that in the same moment.
Simon was being quiet and skipped to the next song since he was connected to Spotify on Tobi's TV.

"Do you want to see Cal's flat?" Tobi asked
"Of course." We all get up and knock next-door. They were not lying it really was like old times.
"Come in, come in." Cal opened the door for us.
I smile and he hugged me. He does some sort of hand shake with Tobes and Simon.
"Cal, this is amazing." I say as I look around the flat, especially liking the modern kitchen and living room. "I know, will be ours soon." he winks and puts an arm around my waist.

That day would come sooner then I expected.
Few months later I was already packing my stuff to move to Cal's.
Simon kept coming to the bar almost daily and getting completely pissed every other day.
He also insisted on walking me home all the time, which I've grown to like.
I did question his behaviour sometimes but mostly he was being very nice to me, I do actually think he became a good friend of mine.
Cal on the other hand, oh my god there's so much flirting going on from both sides.
I was excited to move in with him again.

From Cal :)
Tomorrow's moving day! xx

To Cal :)
I'm excited to get on your nerves xx

From Cal :)
You could never do that xx

I smiled and locked my phone after reading his text.
"Your boyfriend?" I look up to see Simon who's waiting on me to close Wired.
"I wish." I said.
"All right, well you're walking home alone today." he said annoyed.
"Okay?" I say confused to Simon.
"C'mon what's with the face?" I ask him as he looked mad standing beside the door.
We walked out of Wired.
"I have tried so hard, what's missing to you?" he said raising his voice.
"Excuse me?" I asked shocked. He sighed.
"Simon, I'm -" he cut me off.
"No it's fine, I get it. He's taller than me, he dresses better. I don't blame you." I stare at this man completely speechless. I did not know Simon thought that way, he is probably one of the most attractive men I have ever seen but I had never thought about him that way.
"Simon I didn't-" he cuts me off again, I swear he does not let me talk. "I feel so stupid, I shouldn't have said anything. I am a dickhead." he sighs frustrated.
"Calm down." I say putting my hand on his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry." he said.
"Don't be. I should be, I had no idea you felt that way." I say.
"Well, I thought it was pretty obvious."
"Was it?" I ask him confused.
"Elle, I do not like bars. I hate them." he said. How do I act towards him now?
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know."
"Please don't apologies, he's lucky."

I realised we had arrived at my flat. I gave Simon a hug. "Please let's forget this happened, I do not want things to be awkward between us." he said.
"We have such a great friendship and I want to keep that with you." I release myself from his hug and smile at him. "You're great Simon, do not forget that." After saying that I walked into my flat.


Simon grew balls then hahaha.




xoxo Lara

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