The Doctor Sleeps

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The Christmas Invasion- Part 1

" Now then... what do I look like?" The Historian watched with wide eyes as he ran towards the pair of them. She was still in shock that they had both survived the Daleks... and because of Rose Tyler. "No, no no, no no no no no no no. No. Don't tell me. Let's see... two legs, two arms, two hands... Slight weakness in the dorsal tubercle. Hair! I'm not bald! Oh, Oh! Big hair! Sideburns, I've got sideburns! Or really bad skin. Little bit thinner...  That's weird. Give me time, I'll get used to it."

Roses' eyes widened as well, but for a different reason. she looked almost terrified of him. "I... have got... a mole. I can feel it.  Between my shoulder blades, there's a mole. That's all right. Love the mole. Go on then, tell me. What do you think?"

" Who are you? Both of you?"

" I'm the Doctor."

Rose frowned at him and shook her head. "No... Where is he? Where's the Doctor? What have you done to him?"

"Rose, that's him. He is the Doctor, I'm the Historian. Not the same Historian, but still, the Historian and the Doctor."

"No. I saw him sort of explode, and then you replaced him, like a... a teleport or a transmat or a body swap or something. You're not fooling me. I've seen all sorts of things. Nano genes... Gelth... (Looks darkly at him). Slitheen... Oh, my God, are you a Slitheen?"

"I'm not a Slitheen."

" Send him back. I'm warning you; send the Doctor back right now!"

"Rose, it's me." He pleads. "Honestly, it's me. I was dying. To save my own life I changed my body. Every single cell, but... it's still me-"

The Historian looked across the TARDIS as the pair stared at each other and she noticed something... they were falling through the vortex as they spoke... She span around with wide eyes and saw the Doctor and Rose still stood together... "I hate to break up the reunion, but we're-"

"Crashing!" She Doctor exclaimed as he ran towards the console. "We're going to crash land!"

Rose stared with wide eyes as the Doctor began pressing buttons on the console. "You're going to kill us!"

"Hold on tight! Here we go! Christmas Eve...!"

***** *****

The Tardis came out of the vortex in mid air and bounced off one block of flats, a second and a third before avoiding a post office van and finally crashing into a set of waste bins. The Doctor opens the door, still in t-shirt and leather jacket. "Here we are then, London. Earth. The Solar System. We did it. Jackie. Mickey. Blimey! No, no, no, no, hold on. Wait there. I've got something to say. There was something I had to tell you, something important. What was it? No, hold on, hold on. Hold on, shush, shush, shush, shush. Oh, I know! Merry Christmas!"

The Historian threw herself out of the TARDIS and grabbed him before he hit the ground. Rose threw herself out of the TARDIS as well and stared at her. "What happened? Is he all right?"

" I don't know, he just keeled over." Mickey answered for her. "But who is he? Where's the Doctor? Who's the girl? Historian! Are you in there-"

"That's them, right in front of you. That's the Doctor and the Historian." Rose told them.

Jackie frowned deeply as the Historian wrapped one of the Doctor's arms around her shoudler and stood him up with her. "What do you mean, that's the Doctor? Doctor who?"

"Jackie Tyler! Stop asking questions and help me get him inside!"

***** *****

"Here we go." Jackie grinned as she ran into the bedroom. The Historian had gotten a look at herself in a mirror across the room. Long ginger hair, blue eyes and porcelain skin. She wasn't sure how she felt about her new looks... but decided to think she may grow to love them.... She turned her head towards Jackie as she walked in. "Tina the cleaner's got this lodger, a medical student, and she was fast asleep, so I just took it. Though I still say we should take him to hospital."

"We can't. They'd lock him up. They'd dissect him. One bottle of his blood could change the future of the human race. No! Shush!"

She watched as Rose leant over, checking his hearts with the stethoscope Jackie brought in with her. "Both working."

"What do you mean, both?"

"Well, he's got two hearts."

" Oh, don't be stupid."

"He has."

" Anything else he's got two of?"

The Historian turned to the two humans. "Both of you, shut up and leave him alone. He needs to rest. This was harder on him than either of us expected. 

"And who are you?" Jackie scoffed. "You're not the Historian-"

"She is." Rose huffed. "But i wish she wasnt."

The Historian watched as the two humans left the room, seeing the New Doctor exhale some golden energy. She leant her head against the wall and watched him sleep, feeling more helpless than every before...

***** *****

"Oh, no. Don't come round, darling. No, flat's all topsy turvy." The Historian opened her eyes and saw Jackie place a cup of tea down next to the Doctor. "Yeah, she just barges in and litters the place. Yeah. No, I'll come round and see you on Boxing day."

As more energy left the Doctor, The Historian got up and followed her out of the bedroom. She was so worried for the Doctor. She and him had been through so much together, she herself had been shot and killed by a Dalek, and saved by Rose Tyler, and he had to sacrifice himself too... She missed him... she didn't know what to make of the new Doctor he was so.... different... not that she wasn't different too, everything had changed.

"So, save us a chipolata." Jackie said down the phone, just as the front door opened, and in ran Mickey Smith and Rose Tyler...

" Get off the phone." Rose rushed.

"It's only Bev. She says hello."

"Bev? Yeah. Look, it'll have to wait. Right, it's not safe. We've got to get out. Where can we go?"

"My mate Stan, he'll put us up." 

" That's only two streets away. What about Mo? Where's she living now?"

" I don't know. Peak District."

The Historian frowned and stepped forwards, putting a hand in the air. "Rose, what's wrong? What's happened?"

"That's a new tree. Where'd you get it?" Rose said as she stared passed the Historian's shoulder.

"I thought it was you."

Rose frowned at her. "How can it be me?"

" Well, you went shopping. There was a ring at the door, and there it was!"

"No, that wasn't me."

"Then who was it ?"

As the tree began to light up by itself, the Historian turned to Rose, Mickey and Jackie. "Get out." She ordered. Seconds later, it began to move towards them, spinning and cutting up a coffee table in the middle of the room. "Go on, get out!"

"We've got to save the Doctor." Rose insisted as she and Jackie ran to the door, noticing the Historian opening his bedroom door.

"What're you doing?" Jackie cried.

"We can't just leave him." Rose yelled back. 

Jackie tried to stop Rose, but the Historian pushed her back. "Jackie that tree is here for one thing, I bet my life its him. Help us move him!"

The tree came through the door and rose frantically turned to the Historian. She slapped her pockets, remembering her Sonic was not on her... in fact, it had been left on Floor 500... She looked to the door and pulled Jackie and Mickey (Who had pulled a wardrobe across the bedroom door) Behind her.

" I'm going to get killed by a Christmas tree!" Jackie screeched.

The Historian heard the wardrobe crack and closed her eyes, ready for the tree... accept it didnt come... she opened her eyes a crack and saw it was dismantled by the entrance to the door. She turned around slowly with Jackie, Mickey and Rose to see the Doctor sat up in bed with his sonic in his hands. "Remote control." He said. "But who's controlling it?"

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