Bad Vibes Don't Go With My Outfit

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Bad Vibes Don't Go With My Outfit

Merlene Carter Burant


Lady in Waiting of the Queen of Scotland



[Face Claim]
Amy Manson

- Very outgoing
- Questions things
- Focuses on opportunities
- Takes chances
- Haughty, especially when it comes to fashion
- Goal-oriented
- Witty, but not all the time
- Passionate and Dedicated
- Doesn't seem to take breaks
- Can be considered a workaholic
- Makes decisions on a whim
- Never regrets her actions
- Do first, think later
- Confident
- Gossiper
- Loyal
- Judgmental
- Creative
- Fierce
- Proud

Merlene was born on September 4 in Scotland. Her father was in the military, often away from home. As a result, their relationship isn't strong. However, the opposite could be said about her mother, who she is close with. They don't have the strongest relationship, but it is stronger than her and her father's relationship. She is a survivor of the tragedy that occurred in Scotland, along with the current Queen of Scotland. It look her a long while to process the event, and did so while exploring her interest in fashion. She started with patterns, then slowly grew into designing dresses and other pieces of clothing. The tragedy still haunts her to this day no matter how much she wants to forget about it. To distract herself, she focuses on the present and occupies her mind with work. Occasionally, she would have panic attacks if she went too deep into her memories of the event.

- Thinking of new designs
- Making new clothes
- Gossiping
- Spying on people
- Shopping

[Likes / Dislikes]
- Parties
- Games
- Shiny things
- Destroying competition
- Control
- Gossip
- Fashion
- Flowers
- Stripes

- Competition
- Manual labor
- Being bossed around (except by those she permits)
- Anything boring
- Dirty things
- Plain
- Bitter tastes

[Strength / Weaknesses]
- Extremely loyal
- Reliable when it comes to fashion
- Supports all her allies

- Finds it difficult to manage time
- Obsessed with the King of France
- Cares about appearances a bit too much

The only reason why I don't have aesthetics is because I'm terrible at making them. But if I could, I would.

[Theme Song]
Rise Up by Egzod

"The only thing I fear is not taking the opportunity"

"We'll find out"

"You can't say I never had a chance"

- Her dresses and designs are usually muted colors, but can make brighter designs if she wants to

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