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He started crushing first, he thought of you as a hero, who could not be defeated, so he looked up to you.
You both started crushing, him first but you Realized that you had a feeling for him as well.
He caught feelings first. He had been fascinated as to why a human was in the giant territory and why you weren't afraid or hostile towards them. He liked how calm and collected you were around others.
He started crushing first, he couldn't keep his eyes off you and would do anything to protect you, he didn't even want to think about you getting hurt.
She caught feeling first. You were the only one to be able to take her punches when training. That's when she knew you were her soulmate.
You caught feelings first. You had always been facinated by fairys and wanted to learn more about them and the fairy forest. He gladly obliged.
He had asked you if you had a crush on anyone, you lied and said no. Which he saw right through you till he realized that you wouldn't say because it was him. He later looked at you in a different light and developed feelings for you.
She caught feelings first. You had shown her kindness like no other. She always got super flushed around you.
You caught them first. You had seen how amazing she was and had admired her.
When you were the leader of the gang, hed seen how strong and powerful you were, and had fallen in love. After you disappeared though he had become resilient to love others, you crossed paths again.

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