~Plans or No Plans~

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You and Daniel decided to meet with each other in 2 weeks. You two talked all the time and made sure your parents both knew about the plan, since you guys were planning to drive to Utah to meet up *Daniel lives in California your from Colorado*...

You: Hey John do you know if the laundry in the washer is mine or Brads

John: Why would I know that ask brad

You: Because this week is your week to do the laundry idiot

Brad: She isn't wrong John, y/n the clothes in the washer are mine yours are in the dryer or hanging up right now

John: heyyy I was going to say that

You: yeah right you were

*You get up and get your clothes to start packing for the trip*

Dad: Hey sweetie is there anything you want from the store for your trip I'm headed there right now

You: Umm I need a few plastic bags, you know the air tight ones or whatever they're called

Dad: Yes I do y/n you want those

You: yes because we all know if I get food right now for my trip the boys are going to eat it specifically John...

John: It's not like I still live with my dad at 20 years old and live in his basement with no job girlfriend or school to do

*Your other brothers poke their heads in your room and look at John*

Steve: I am going to pretend I didn't just hear that

Tad: bro that is the definition of your life

Brad: Shut up man your lying right?

You: John where is your room

John: In the basement

You: do you have a Job or go to school

John: Noo....why

You: lastly do you have a girlfriend or child to take care of at the moment

John: Oh sorry forgot to tell you guys about Jesse My GIRLFRIEND dingus

You: is she pregnant or have a child you need to take care of

John: No...

You: Therefore you do sit around in your parents basement at 20 years old eating, sleeping, playing video games, and doing chores with no work or school

Dad: Hey y/n maybe you should finish packing now

John: Yeah maybe you should

*John storms out of your room and to his car*

*John's POV*

Why is she like this all the time it's not like I am super unsuccessful or anything am I? Plus none of them ever give me time to tell them that I am working on getting a job or planning on moving out soon to live with Jesse

*Your POV*

Your trip to Utah is Tomorrow so you decide to run to the store and get the food you need before leaving early in the morning.

You: Hey dad I'm going to the store quick to get some things before I leave for Utah

*Your dad comes into your room*

Dad: Okay, before you go tomorrow though maybe you should apologize to John

You: Dad....

Dad: Hey he is your brother and I understand he can be hard to deal with because he is so protective and all but it's important you do

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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