Lasting embrace

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Kyoshi's breath hitched in her throat, her muscles constricting like they weren't owned my her. Helplessly her mouth agape she gasped her mouth devoid of the breath she so desperately needed. Kyoshi could bend air but there was none, nothing within her grasp. Kyoshi violently shook spluttering saliva as tears escaped her eyes she reached out so urgently, awaiting the familiar warmth of the most important person in her world but there was no heat, for the first time ever.
Kyoshi had experienced so much death, seen so much loss and she once decided not to waste anymore time thinking about it.
The earth bending methods she used to cling to youth now a basic, instinctual ritual; not a way of running from the isolating inevitable. Only now did Kyoshi realise how naive she had been, she would live long after her loved ones perished and all the blurred faced she'd passed in her lifetime prior, nothing could prepare her for the pain she's destined to endure.
Today was the day, to reap what you sow, or so it felt like it, every hesitation, every mistake, every negative action she'd guessed she ever made and all of the pain she'd ever caused was coming for vengeance. This time in the form of death but not her own, the physical pain and tension building in Kyoshi snapped, she released a hellish scream her eyes flickering white as she clutched Rangis limp hand.
Kyoshi finally exhaled, an action she'd never take for granted again she closed her eyes momentarily a rushed gesture to clear them of their blurry tear stained vision.
Rangi laid there as beautiful as ever, her hair neatly up in a fire nation pin showing her pronounced flawless features, her porcelain now wrinkled skin laying there devoid of light.
Kyoshi memorised every contour of the fire nation beauty and images of Rangi flashed through her mind, through the years. Her lovers life through her eyes, the stolen glances she'd taken over the journeys they endured together she watched her do everything, Rangis face only occupied her mind. The image of Rangis face when she ate so efficiently, how her jaw relentlessly chomped, it was so effortlessly enchanting to Kyoshi she could almost hear Rangi snap "stop staring, start eating.Now!" She'd never hear that again she would remember to eat from now on like the act was a scared prayer, an act of respect for her dearly departed.
She could use the time to reflect, like on how Rangi's face looked because she never wanted to forget. The idea of her forgetting Rangi's face manifesting into a fear that wasn't realistic at all, she'd never forget.
Moments flickered by in her mind; Rangi in battle, Rangi eating, Rangi complaining, Rangi commanding, Rangi being sarcastic, Rangi laying beside her at night.
It hurt as she forgot to breath yet again but she didn't care, she never wanted this to stop she thought of every difference in Rangi's features over time and how many had snuck up on her. Kyoshi spent as much time as possible by her side and never noticed Rangi age at all, though they both had considerably since they had met so long ago.
Rangi's personality demanded a presence and suddenly Rangi seemed so small and frail like she needed no space at all, not that Kyoshi was giving her any. Kyoshi leaned over clutching the frail old vessel that was of no more use to Rangi, she was scared to crush her before reality struck her and she starting bawling all over again.
Kyoshi hadn't moved in hours, she'd forgotten how to, it felt as though the new found coldness in the world due to Rangis absence had frozen her completely, her back numb bent over. Kyoshi was curled up trying to be as small and dainty as possible slotting along side Rangi in the tiny space next to her, anxious the wrong move would disturb Rangi in any way in this life or the next.
Kyoshi felt her body start to fail her as she desperately tried to stay awake her eye lids closing, she swore terrified if she slipped into slumber Rangi would somehow disappear from before her.
Kyoshi reached out and stroked Rangis hair at the top of her head with all the energy she could muster, remembering she probably should've have eaten but deciding she couldn't have anyways she took a deep breath inhaling Rangis scent as stray hairs stuck to kyoshis tear soaked face, she left them there enjoying the tickling sensation, any sensation other than the all consuming pain. Kyoshi, against her better judgement exhaled the scent she so badly she wanted to keep as she  passed out at Rangi's side for the last time, from sheer exhaustion and a broken heart.

Lasting embrace Where stories live. Discover now