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God, I'm so stupid

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God, I'm so stupid...

The things I wish I had known... I was lied to, manipulated my entire life. And even if I figured things out sooner the outcome wouldn't have changed. There's nothing I could have done.

Watching as his tan complexion now pale, devoid of any colour. I sat there, frozen on my knees. His stare filling with fear. He didn't want to die- and I was not about to let that happen. Marcello was one of the only people who would still look out for me even after all I've done... Holding his limp body closer I shook my head, begging for this all to have been a delusion. My hands were trembling, I couldn't think straight, the only thing I could focus on was the life I'd lose.

"Vaida" His gruff voice rang into my ears startling me. Pulling back I examined his state, the faint noise of his heart was barely beating anymore, a faded sound behind all the broken computers and undistinguishable parts laying around us.

"Yes! Yes...What is it?" My panicked voice replied almost instantly, wanting Marcello to remain conscious despite the pain surging throughout his leg. "stay awake alright? D-Don't..." My thoughts scattered all over the place. "I'm sorry...It's all my fault I'll make it up to you I promise..."

Not able to comprehend much around the both of us. Placing a hand on my cheek he shook his head, "I'll be alright Vai." Attempting to comfort me. 

I jerked away at the warmth of his dying hand. I stumbled to my feet pushing Marcello away.

"No. I'm going to get that medicine from her. Shut up!" Clawing at my hair in desperation I flickered my attention to the wound engraved into his thigh. Then glanced to the one etched across his throat.

I reflected back to the time when his voice may have had an effect on me. But now I understood everything, I knew why things were the way they were. I couldn't just walk away from someone who was willing to give me everything.

My steps were weak, barely carrying me to the door, the dim blue lights casting a shadow reflecting off the shards of glass on the penthouse floor.

"Don't go, Xavian and Zaki will take care of it..." He attempted to sit upright, wanting a better view of my irrational state.

"Where are they? She has them!" I argued. "I have the upper hand, fuck. She can't do anything to me, I can sneak around- I-I have this..." My hand raised up, revealing what had been tucked away in my brain for so long, stained with my own blood but that didn't bother me. "I'll put it back in. Wires and a few loose screws. it. won't. Hurt."

Marcello clenched his jaw. I was correct and he had no refute. "Vaida...It's okay- you have them and-"

"And?!" Cutting in I spoke in disbelief. "And? I won't have you, where will you be? Dead? Or will you be used as scrap for her next experiment...We aren't that different, instead, I'm a password and you're the software."

Taking steady steps backwards I pressed my hand against the scanner, the door sliding closed. "Stay..alive, please..."

He winked. "Lak." A smirk appearing amongst all the chaos coursing through our minds.


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