Short Story

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"Welcome home Lizzy!" I herd my mom shout from upstairs

"Mom what are you doing home you where supposed to be at work for another two hours!" I yelled back as I watched her slowly walk down our crooked staircase,

"Well I thought I would take another day off work!" 

"Where you fired again?"


I flopped on the couch as my moms curly golden blond hair sat on my shoulder, "Well honey it could be worse." I giggled a little, could be worse?!? Did she just say things could be worse!?! My mom started stroking my dark brown silky hair which I have NO idea where it came from, as look nothing like my mom. I also have no idea what my family looks like, am I adopted? Is my father just not in the picture? I guess I'll never know. 

"I'm sorry it wasn't smart of me to say that, what I meant to say was everything will be fine." My mom continued 

"It's ok mom," I said trying to reassure her "I'll order pizza for dinner!" I mine as well, we don't have much food in the fridge after all. My mom always tells me that where not poor but where saving up. I don't think anyone believes her.


"Hey mom?" I asked nervous "Can I go to the mall this after noon?" I expected the obvious answer that would be no but to my surprise... "Oh well I guess if you pay for everything yourself." When I tell you I was jumping up and down saying thank you I mean it! I was over joy!

After school I went out with Billy and Sarah to the mall. We walked inside the mall and they where straight away looking at the bright blue skirts in he window, but my eyes where looking at something different...


The most beautiful human being I've ever seen in my life, "LIZZY!" I herd Billy yell.

"Coming!" When I got over there the girls where both staring at me Billy giggled and Lizzy did that deathly stare when someone knows you like someone, you know that one where your brain just tells you "she knows!" That one. I never thought I would see her again until the next day...

I woke up to the news blasting in the living room that was the saddest day of my life when I saw on the news "Jordan Stevens killed from unknown" I could recognize that beaming smile and bright green eyes in a heart beat, It was her... I cried that day...

It's been five years but I don't think she's actually dead I can feel it...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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