Little Horan (Niall Horan fan-fiction)

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Hi everyone! I just had that urge to start a new fanfic. Yes, I know I have too much of them lol. So, tell me, Like? No like? Should I keep it on? Should I delete it? Samantha in the sidebar ;) Thank lovelies ;) Luv ya all!!! xxxx

Samantha Nightengale, a seventeen year old blonde haired and blue eyed directioner from London, UK.

Niall Horan, 1/5 of the pop sensation, One Direction, also known as 'the blonde one', 'the Irish one' and 'the cute one'.

After Samantha finally decides to go to a 1D CD signing, everything changes. Little did she know that one moment would turn her life around. That one simple date would turn into a relationship. That one single kiss would turn into something more. 

Before Niall left on the TMH tour, he broke up with her saying what they had wasn't strong and long enough to be a long distance relationship. There was one thing he didn't know, together with Sam, he left his unborn baby behind too.

Samantha became a mother. She was lucky her family didn't get angry and kick her out, they actually helped her get trough all of the hard times. She told everyone Niall was past and that she got over him, but deep inside she knew the blondie was still in her heart.

Time passed, Kathy turned two on the fifteenth of August, she was like a little Nialler, with his brown hair and blue eyes and his eating habits. She sure was a hungry little one. 

But one day, Kathy came home from kindergarten crying. She said the other children were making fun of her because she didn't know who her daddy was. And Samantha couldn't let her kid to be made fun of. 

That's why she went to that signing. To show her ex-boyfriend his daughter. The little Horan.


Soooo. Whaddya guys think? Like? No like? Should I delete it? Thanks for reading, luv ya! Please send positive feedback, it really makes my day!

Luv ya all!! xxxxxxxx

~NiallerzPrincess123 aka Kristina

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