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Faith's POV:
I woke up and groaned loudly, I stumbled out of bed and went to the bathroom to rinse my face and brush my teeth. when I was done with that I put on a tiny bit of makeup and changed into black leggings with black dr martins, a white shirt with a denim jacket and for my hair I just brushed it to give it a wavy look. I went downstairs and ate some yogurt because I didn't really have food in my house, I started unpacking a little bit more and I got bored so i decided to go buy things for my house, I grabbed my car keys and started driving around the streets when I spotted a 90's looking store, I parked and got off my car when I was walking to the door of the store I heard wolf whistles, i turned around and their was my perv of a neighbor and his little gang or whatever they call them selves I just flipped them off and went inside the store I was walking down the isle with both my hands on the racks

i picked out some records like Lana del rey, the Beatles, and the arcticmonkeys I paid at the cash register and started to walk to my car. I opened my car door and put my bag on the drivers seat and took out a cigarette and lit it.
I was smoking In Till someone yanked the cigarette out of my mouth I looked up to see my neighbor he started to smoke it and I smacked him and got it back but he had a tight grip so I kicked him and he wouldn't budge so I sighed and got in my car and let him keep my cigarette and i drove to my house.


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