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I grab my pillow and look at pandora

"hey are you awake?" I whisper into the darkness. I hear shuffling and the outline of a girl turns over.

"I am now.'' She says in an aggravated tone.

"What do you think the outside world is like?" I ask her while looking up at the ceiling.

"Awful." she answers confidently.

"Well it's probably better than here" Rings samuels sleepy voice from the corner.

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep!" Gray yells from the other corner.

"Gray, are you even a little Nervous to see the outside world?" I ask, turning my head in his direction.

"Nope." He says confidently, " We're just going to school, not Africa."

"Yeah but we're still going somewhere" I say. There's a gap of silence until Pandora says:

"I heard Ellens gonna bring us our school uniforms in the morning."

"We have uniforms? Gray askes, annoyed. "I'm going to sleep."

"Whatever." Pandora says and she slumps back in her covers. I do the same but I have a feeling I'm not going to get any sleep for the rest of the night.

You might be wondering 'What the heck is happening?' and I don't blame you because our lives are pretty confusing. We've been trapped in a science lab for our entire lives. And for the first time in 13 years we're going outside, to school.




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