Chapter 3

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    The 'Rivers' had certainly made a grand entrance. They were all everyone was talking about at West Lake Academy, whispers about them could be heard from almost every point of the school. They were the first students to ever get detention on their first day, they were also the first students to ever light a teacher's head on fire. But no one knew how they did it. They didn't even know that they were the ones who did it. It all seemed like magic.

Many of the kids wanted to be there friends, they had all hated Ms. Mary and most cheered when they heard she was going on a Mental Health leave. Rumors were spreading as fast as fire. One student recalled seeing 'the small one' and 'the grumpy one' throwing erasers at the back of the ELA teachers head. Currently, the 'family' was descending from uptown in the same red lamborghini.

"I don't want to go back!" Samuel whines. I push Pandora's sleeping head off of my shoulder.

"It wasn't that bad." I say. He whips his head around to face me.

"We lit a teachers head on fire. Who the actual hell does that? Everyones gonna think we're weirdos!" Samuel responds.

"Since when did you care what people think of you." Gray says eating a cookie and pushing Pandora's head back to me. "I had fun. Can we blow up our ELA teachers head today?"

Pandora snickers and finally wakes up as Penelope hits a sharp turn. I watch as the streets blur by. Gray and Samuel argue for a bit and conclude in agreement that the ELA teacher is even worse then the science teacher. I try to zone them out but when three psychopathic kids are shouting next to you, it's pretty hard.

"Is there a single teacher you guys like?" I inquire as we pull up to the school. No one answers me.

"Ok kids, try to behave this time. All you need to worry about is properly pursuing your education." Ellen says. She pulls the car in the drop off line and I can feel the looks already. Carefully, I get out of the car thing. I have to drag Samuel out who is followed by Gray who is dragging Pandora who's fallen asleep again. She whines and rubs her eyes, noticing for the first time that we're at school.

"Come on." I mutter trying to avoid eye contact with other people. I lead them to the doors that we were told to wait by and plop down.

"You know how in the car Ellen said something about all we need to worry about is learning?" Samuel says observing the other kids being dropped up. I slowly nod.

"Well what are they worrying about then?" Samuel continues. "The scientists. They obviously sent us here for a reason, an experiment."

I stare at him blankly not knowing what to think. Why are we here? Is Samuel just being his usual paranoid self? The scientists don't tell us anything so we'll never know. I'm not even sure why we're here in the first place.

I jump as the bell rings. Heaving my backpack over my shoulder, I stand up.

"I don't worry about it. I'm sure it's just something stupid like a social expiriment. If we're lucky they'll take us out of this craphole in a few months." Gray mutters. He's probably right. No need to freak out. Right?

By the end of homeroom I'm already dying to go back. I'm confident that Gray, Samuel, and Pandora would all agree with me. It's like watching paint dry but the paint has an annoying voice and cherishes using it. The first half of the twenty minute period I attempt paying attention and the second half I observe how normal kids act and attempt to do the same. It involves a lot of doodling, staring out a window and daydreaming. Pandora gets in trouble for laying her head down on the desk but that nothing remotely interesting happened.

ELA and social studies are not very fun. I barely know how to read and I don't know what a lot of the big words mean. Thankfully, Gray and Pandora do not murder our teacher.

In math we have a sub. But I could tell by your ways she was looking at us she knew what we did

math felt like an eternity but thankfully We didn't have to interact.

After math was PE, yesterday we didn't get to go since we spent that period In the principal's office. I lead my 'siblings' in the gym. We split up and go to the changing rooms. Me and Pandora luckily came prepared, we took turns holding up a towel for each other in the corner. We've been doing this for a while cause we're pretty sure that there's secret cameras in our bathroom at the lab. The only awkward part was when some girl asked Pandora about oher collar.

"Uhmmmmmmmm," She stammered, "its- uh- a necklace? Erm, yeah. Fashion, ya know?" Pandora said. I quickly get my gym uniform on and pull Pandora out the door into the gym.

I see Sam and gray on the bleachers and rush over to them. When I get over to them I see gray blushing.

"Why are you blushing?" I ask him

"Why are you blushing?" he ask

"I'm not!" I said

"Yes you are" I turn my head to look at Sam

And I just simply tell him to shut the fuck up

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