Chapter 3

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Addison POV
I woke up tired as fuck because I had spent the whole night thinking about Tessa. I don't know why but she just rubbed me the wrong way.

I looked up and saw Bryce on his phone. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Good morning baby" he said in his hot morning voice.

I kisses him and hoped out of bed. He told me that we were going to the park for a little picnic with Tessa......

Bryce POV
I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating. I was so excited when I saw that the notification from Tessa after such a long time. We hadn't communicated in over 5 months and looking at the notification brought so much nostalgia.

Hey Brycie bear ;)
I was thinking that we could go on a picnic date at the park like old times. I had a really good time yesterday. Thanks for dropping me home.

Hey Tessa
Sure I would definitely be down for a picnic, just give us an hour. We will be there at 12. Is that ok?

We? Are you sure you want to invite Addison?

I'm sure Tessa, I want you two to get a long.

Whatever. See ya Brycie

I told Addison about the plan and she seemed weird, I hope she is ok. I would completely understand if she wasn't comfortable with Tessa around considering what happened last night, but Tessa is just a friend. She just has a very clingy personality .

Addison had refused the offer of going saying 'she will be interrupting our time and that me and Tessa need catching up to do' but I wanted Addison to be there. I don't know why she is so reluctant on going.

I eventually begged her to come and she finally agreed. We had breakfast and I changed into a yellow crew neck with shorts. Addison looked beautiful wearing a two piece yellow skirt and top. I almost didn't want to go, she looked so hot.

We entered the park and I saw Tessa immediately. She came running to me and jumped into my arms just like old times. I hugged back and quickly let her go. I looked behind me to see Addison slightly smiling. She is so cute. I turn back around and see Tessa rolling her eyes, but smiled again as she saw me.

We sat down, me next to Addison and Tessa in the other side. I put my arm around Addison and she smiled. Tessa on the other hand, came closer to me, our bodies squished up to each other. I told her to move in front but she didn't listen. Instead Addison moved, I didn't like that but she insisted on staying there. God she was just a sweetheart. We talked about normal things. Addison is usually very talkative but today she was just not in it. I really hope it isn't anything to do with Tessa. I started talking about work and social media and that lead to Tessa talking about her time in university.

" I'm working on my career in technology and science, what about you Addison." She said sheepishly.

"I'm working on social media at the moment and am also going into modelling"Addison said.

"Pfft. You modelling haha thats funny, but good luck tho"she replied

Tessa kept moving closer and closer to me as if she wasn't already right next to me, putting her hand on my leg and constantly caressing my biceps. She had never been this touchy. I get that we haven't seen each other in a year, but this was too clingy.

Addison POV
Bryce told us that he was going to get the burgers for us. I could tell he was uncomfortable with Tessa all over him. It made me mad too. She was getting on my nerves but I had to stay calm for Bryce. I definitely knew that she wasn't drunk yesterday. She just wanted an excuse to touch Bryce.

It was so awkward with just me and Tessa. She kept giving me dirty looks. I wanted to be friends with Tessa. I need to take Bryce's word for it. She has a hard time making friends and has trust issues when it came to Bryce having a girlfriend. Or does she just not like me.

"So Tessa I was wondering-"

"Don't talk to me Addison, and do me a favour and stop talking to my Brycie" she said casually while scrolling through her phone.


"OMG Addison you are so fucking stupid, Bryce doesn't like you. You're so desperate for his attention. If anyone he likes me, I'm his best friend and take it from me, he doesn't show any amount of love towards you."

I was shocked by her sudden outbursts. "What are you talking about, he loves me"

"HAHA. Your making a fool of yourself. What is there to even like about you, you're ugly, fat, and so incredibly annoying. I feel bad for Bryce that he has to put up with your crybaby ass when he could be kissing me instead. I don't even know how you even thought about being a model, you're not even the right size."

Those words....

I could feel tears in my eyes but I needed to keep them in, I couldn't be the crybaby she said I was. Was I really all those things, did Bryce not love me.


She's just saying that to get in your head. Bryce loves you.

But then why hasn't he asked me out yet....

Bryce POV:
I came back with burgers in hand when I see Addison standing up fixing her skirt. I was confused. Where was she going. I approached the two girls and I could see sadness across Addison face. I look over to Tessa who has a slight smirk that quickly turns into a big smile just as she sees me. Now I'm much more confused.

"Hey Bryce I'm going to head home, something came up and I'm kind of tired" she said avoiding eye contact.

I lifted up her face so she had to look into my eyes. Her eyes were slightly watery and reeked of sadness. I was concerned for her. I didn't want to push her into staying, that would be unfair and just make her sadder.

"Ok I'll go with you, I'm kind of tired too"

"No, no it's ok Bryce, spend time with Tessa, I don't want you to be held up because of me" she insisted.

"Addison it's ok, plus we only brought one car" I reasoned with her

"Bryce I'm sure Tessa will be more than happy to drive you"

"Brycieeeee, just listen to her, you'll get to spend more time with me." Tessa joined in with a winey tone.

I couldn't argue any longer with her.

"Fine Addison, just stay safe ok, I'll be home by 3"

She placed a soft kiss on my cheek and gave me a smile before heading out the park.

God this girl. This girl was something else....

Hey guys thank you so much for all the votes I am so excited for this story. I am trying to update every other day. Though sometimes I get busy. Tell me if you like this book so far. 💕
What do you guys think of Tessa?😭

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