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I haven't written something- or even remotely like this in two years now, I hate it. But I am here and well, whether you're reading this because you stumbled upon a book to read or you're a friend of mine, welcome!

This book will be weekly or biweekly depending on my instances but hopefully, I can come up with a better schedule, for now, this is what I will be experimenting with.

There is also Arabic in here as the main characters are Arabs there will be translations to help you, but please understand that while those sentences in Arabic are correct it's a bit difficult to put the words into English. shout out to my family that I bothered because I couldn't get the sentences the way I wanted to without their help...If there are some words incorrect please comment and I'll fix it when I can!

But a few things need to be said first.

Everything from my words of the storyline is all mine, inspiration will be given where needed. Some instances seem to be as if they are from real experiences/moments, bare mind this is purely fictional and nothing but fiction.

Please do not republish or steal any of the work being presented here, it is a crime and there will be repercussions for such things.

feel free to comment on any grammar mistakes, plot questions and/or plot holes you may find. I will be glad to reply!

There will be also mentions (both big and small) of blood and/or other sensitive subjects, please be aware and read at your own risk.

Most importantly: There. Is. no. Pedophilia. nothing represented here is portraying disgusting relations between children and adults, god I can't believe I have to even say anything like this...

Now that's been said... please read the next few words.

Sometimes I couldn't sleep, not without the comfort of such characters that I created in a universe where everything could be a safe place for me and hopefully the same goes for you. Working on the plot of VinceZ is something I will never forget. It's still in progress, of course, but I hope one day under this paragraph there will be an edit saying, I've finished! past Diana I have!

Creating a story where I feel as if my personal identity of my family and their culture was something I couldn't really find, I wanted to write something that if I saw on the shelves I would read and love dearly. And I never want to lose this book and its work. Hell! This is my passion, hopefully, one day I'll have this book in my hand with its beautiful cover, my name on the front...

Anywho! there will be small AN's at the end of some chapters and make sure to vote, comment and support!


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