chapter one

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long ago in 2007 was born one girl whos name was ayana. ayana always had friends. she was sort of popular kid from her grade at school. but she never acted like typical spoiled popular kids like in tv shows. she was loyal and always loved her friends. but some of her friends never really appreciated her. what broke her after the quarantine started because ayana left them behind for her mental health.

she was all alone but then all of sudden her grandmother asked her to make a trip to Europe.

*now i will write from the first face/person and in the present form*

"dayum my life is so boring" said my grandma
"oh my god agreed" said i
"so rude. oh wait why shouldn't i make a trip to Europe?"
"thats a good idea"i said wondering
"but what if i will be lost there. i dont know English and i need to take someone with me" said grandma persistently
"take anyone from this family but not Ayana i beg u she will ruin ur trip" says my mom angrily
"no i need exactly her. she knows English good enough and she will be my guide" .
"i would not mind" i said.

grandma and i were ready to leave this country but we waited for the vise. it took really really long. while I am waiting for our visas to leave the country i decided to visit my neighbor childhood friend. i told her about our my planned trip. she was really confused and said:

"but u cant just go there with ur grandma its too dangerous. youre 13"
"chile best friend everything will be okay"
"no, cancel ur trip. return ur tickets"
"are u dumb? no"
"ayana i will not just let u go there all alone with ur 65 years old grandma. she's too old and youre too young. everything could happen"she said looking at me weird
"come on. i will be 14 soon. bye bitch"

i left her house as soon as i could. im so mad. she's not my mom. why did she even said that. shes so protective like my mom. even my mom was more chiler. i dont know what to do. maybe she has a point also its pandemic now. but i wanna have fun so bad. also trip to Europe just sounds amazing. it was my dream. i cant just do not go there when i have all my opportunities to do it.she was confused...

stay tuned for the second chapter. u will appear soon dont be afraid.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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