Aaleeyah's Date

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Jasmine:You look cute we you going??

Aaleeyah:Thanks, I'm going on a date

Jasmine:With who??

Aaleeyah:Why you all up in my business??*Doing her make-up*

Cali:Auntie you look pretty*Hugging her knees*

Aaleeyah:Thanks baby

Jasmine:So who is it..huh

Aaleeyah:This guy I met today at "juice it up!"

Jasmine:Okay but be careful cause I don't want no nigga messing with my best friend

????:*Knocks on the door*

Aaleeyah:That's probably him

Jasmine:*Opens the door*Hi

Prince:Hey is aaleeyah here??

Jasmine:Yeah..come in*Moves aside*

Prince:Okay*Sits on the couch*

Cali:*Runs downstairs* Princeee

Prince:Hey cali*Hugs her*

Jasmine:How do you know him Cali??

Prince:I saw her at the studio when Roc brought her

Jasmine:Who is Roc??


Jasmine:Oh..that explains why she is playing with your hair

Prince:Yeah but I didn't know that you were her mom nor did I know that you knew Roc

Jasmine:Yeah we met when we were 17 in highschool

Aaleeyah:*Walks downstairs *I'm ready now..sorry for the wait

Prince:Nahh its cool...you look sexy*Grabs her hand*


Jasmine:Have fun buy aaleeyah call me okay

Aaleeyah:Okay...bye niecey-pooh

Cali:Bye auntie leeyah and prince

Prince:*Neals down to her level and gives her five dollar bill*Bye lil munchkin

Jasmine:*Smiles*What do you say Cali

Cali:Thank you*Giggles*

Prince:Your welcome*leaves*

(La Serenata de Garibaldi)

Prince:So tell me about youself*Eatting his pasta*

Aaleeyah:While I'm 22,I was born in atl,I love shopping,I'm a very loving person,warm hearted,loves kids and like dogs*Eating*

Prince:Oh..do you work??

Aaleeyah:Yeah I'm a model

Prince:Oh fr

Aaleeyah:Yeap..so tell me about yourself*Takes a sip of her lemonade*

Prince:Okay I'm 23,i speak my mind,I love dogs,and love kids,been in mindless behavior since I was 16,born and raised in los angeles,I'm a loveable person,I have no kids that I know of

Aaleeyah's POV: This guy is perfect for me but the one thing that just turned me off was he said he doesn't have any kids that he knows of...so that probably means he is a how fr

End of POV

Aaleeyah:Oh..the food was good

Prince: Yeah it was..you ready to go??

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