Blurred Lines

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It's kind of a long, but short story about how Danny, Julian, Tom, and Gronk end up in a gay bar just outside of Green Bay, Wisconsin. After checking into their hotel, Gronk asked where the nearest bar was and got directions to a place. While Gronk can be a little homophobic at times with his comments, he never really means any harm. As conservative as Tom can be, he doesn't have problems with gay people either.

Danny and Julian have had a few conversations about homosexuality and they're cool with it too. Besides, a bar is a bar. They're just looking to have a few drinks and unwind a little bit. All four men approach the bar and Gronk buys the first round of beers. After practically inhaling his beer in three big gulps, Gronk heads to the dancefloor.

"I don't think Gronk has ever heard a song that he can't dance to," Tom comments.

"I'm pretty sure I saw him dancing to Polka once," Julian comments.

They all laugh as they find a table in a secluded part of the bar to sit at. Tom sits by himself on one side of the table and Danny and Julian of course sit by each other. Tom offers to buy the second round of drinks and Danny and Julian promise to buy the next two. The bar is pretty crowded, so it doesn't take long for Danny and Julian to start sweating. Julian tries to take his sweater off, but he has a little trouble getting his left arm out. Danny laughs, but he does eventually help his best friend out.

"You're a jerk," Julian tells him.

"Yeah, but you wouldn't have me any other way," Danny counters.

The music is really a little too loud to hold a conversation, so they just spend a few minutes in comfortable silence. After about five minutes pass, Danny wonders what is taking Tom so long with their drinks. Julian easily spots Tom's lanky 6'4" frame at the bar. It looks like Tom is talking to someone, more than likely a fan. Julian makes his way toward his teammate and the guy he's talking to and he slyly grabs two of the three glasses that are in front of Tom. He smiles and pats Tom on the back before he makes it back to Danny.

"He's talking to a guy who went to Michigan. So, he'll probably be there all night," Julian explains as he hands Danny his drink.

"Yeah, probably," Danny agrees.

After drinking another beer and then a rum and coke, Danny excuses himself to use the bathroom. Not too long after Danny leaves, a stranger sits down right across from Julian at the table. The guy who sits down is tall, blonde, and pretty muscular. Since the bar is pretty full, Julian doesn't really think much of it. Julian just casually sips his drink until the guy breaks the silence.

"Hi, I'm Jesse," The stranger introduces.

"I'm Julian, nice to meet you," Julian politely responds.

"No, the pleasure is all mine," Jesse says with a wink.

"Oh, um . . . I'm not . . . you know," Julian replies to the flirtation.

"Gay? That's fine. You don't have to be in order to enjoy being with another man," Jesse lets him know.

"I'm flattered, Jesse. But I'm not interested," Julian declares.

"If you're scared of being with a guy, you don't have to be. I promise that I'll be gentle," Jesse remarks.

Before Julian can say anything, Jesse reaches under the table and places his hand on Julian's knee. He pushes Jesse's hand away, but that doesn't deter him. Jesse moves his fingers up to Julian's inner thigh and he massages him through his jeans. Julian gets up from the table and he starts walking toward the bar hoping to get Tom's attention. Tom is unfortunately too caught up in the conversation that he's having to notice Julian.

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