Chapter 2

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Lucan, Niika and KIYOSHI were fighting the necromancers-

Kiyoshi- Lucan?

Lucan- what?

Kiyoshi- why does she always have to come along?

Lucan- she wants to and if I told her no she would come anyway-


Niika- cuz-

Kiyoshi- cuz why-

Niika- cuz I can boi-

Kiyoshi- I'd watch how you talk to me if I were you-

Niika- what are ya gonna do if I don't hmm-

Kiyoshi- *mumbles* god if Lucan wasn't here right now-

Niika- I heard that-

Kiyoshi- I DONT CARE

Niika- 😑

Lucan- hey why don't we all just chill out?

Niika- yeah let's just ReLaX with Kiyoshi-

Kiyoshi- we can "relax" when we finish our job-

Just then a necromancer came out of nowhere and attempted to kill kiyoshi but Niika jumped in the way pushing kiyoshi out of the way and taking the blow for kiyoshi


stopped short when he noticed Niika on the ground bleeding badly Lucan by her side trying to stop the bleeding-

Niika- l-lu-Lucan?

Lucan- I-I'm right here your gonna be ok-

Kiyoshi- n-Niika w-why why did you- when I wasn't nice to you, you still- why?-

Niika- b-because.... that's.... that's the.... k-kind of p-person....I am.......

Lucan- oh Niika-

She fainted from blood loss

Lucan- Kiyoshi we NEED to get her to a medic ASAP-

Kiyoshi- well I- I might know one place-

Lucan- where-

Kiyoshi- the frost Bourne-

Lucan- the what Born-

Kiyoshi- the frost Bourne they have been protecting this realm for the entire war and longer and they've never EVER denied ANYONE help if they need help the frost Bourne has NEVER denied it-

Lucan- how far is it-

Kiyoshi- If we leave now we can make it there by morning-

Lucan- ok-

Lucan Gently picked Niika up and carried her to the frost Bourne-

A couple meters from the frost Bourne-

Abigail crysteffor- WHO GOS THERE!!

Kiyoshi- Abigail we don't have time for this right now-

Abigail- mh hmmm what could you pos-

She noticed Niika

Abigail over a radio- could I please have a medic at the northern border ASAP

Stella over the radio- what happened?

Abigail- ugh why her of all people-

Abigail over the radio- there are three people over here one of which is severely wounded and by the looks of it unconscious-

Stella over the radio- ok I'm on my way-

Abigail- you two follow me-

Lucan- I'm not leaving Niika here!!

Abigail- who?- OHHHHH your friend why would I ask you to leave her there?

Lucan- oh I don't know because I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU?!

Abigail-   😑

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