Unexpected Meet

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"Oh no! Pinch me, please! Please pinch!"

"Why on earth are you suddenly getting excited... Oh, I see why!"

The girl dragged her friend with her to where the person, the one on the magazine's cover, was standing, talking over the phone. She stood squarely in front of him and gawked openly, with zero shame. The person who was busy on the phone one minute was now staring back at her with confusion laced on his face. Then his eyes went to the person standing behind her and finally zeroed in on the cover of the magazine the person was holding. There, the phone man was standing in a black tux, staring back at him with red bold letters, 'THE NEW TALK OF THE TOWN'.

"You are Shashank Chauhan, right!" the girl exclaimed, more than asking. Shashank just smiled at her stupid question. Can't this girl see?

"I am a big, big fan of you, Shashank. Oh God, I love you so-"

"Uh, what she wants to say is that she wants to have a photo with you if you don't mind." Shashank smiled in her direction, the smile that makes girls swoon over him, and also a few boys. He gestured for her to stand next to him. Truth to be told, he wanted to get out of this airport as soon as possible. The girl stood too close for his liking, but he smiled at the camera anyway.

"Thank you so much. Uh, can you please give your autograph here?" she said, extending her arm towards Shashank, who watched her amusedly.

"But the autograph will get off once you wash your arm," Shashank stated thoughtfully.

"Uh no, I'll get it tattooed permanently," the girl replied with a sheepish grin on her face. Bewildered, Shashank did as he was asked to do. Thanking him, the girl and her friend went away, leaving Shashank in peace.

"Sir, your cab is here," the bodyguard said to Shashank as he saw his employer is now free from the unwanted fan. Shashank nodded his head and started moving out. He was here, in his hometown after almost a year because his parents wanted him to come. They didn't tell him why, but somehow he managed to get it out of his mother's mouth rather secretively. His wedding! This was the last thing he would think of right now, but here he was just because he didn't want to make his father feel sad.

The moment he walked out of the gate, he regretted his decision of coming here. He should have known! He saw his ex from his college days talking, or one must say ordering, his old driver. Oh, so this is the girl my parents chose for me. Damn my luck! They broke up because his ex thought that he is too poor to match her stature, but here she was standing right in front of his eyes, not only to pick him up but also to marry him. His ex must have noticed him because she hid herself behind the nearby pillar, most probably to surprise him. Huh! Two can play this surprising game! Shashank pulled a random girl standing in front of him and kissed her senselessly. Once satisfied with his actions, he glanced discreetly towards his ex to make sure she watched everything.

"Come, baby," he kept his hand on the small of the random girl's back and made her walk with him up to the driver.

"Kaka, come, let's leave. I'm already late." He started moving but intentionally stopped near the pillar. He saw his ex coming out from behind the pillar and stand in front of him.

"Oh uh, who are you? I think I have seen you somewhere; just can't recall where! Do you remember?"

"Shash, how can you betray me like this?" his ex asked, wide-eyed.

"What! This is ridiculous. I met you hardly two minutes ago, and you are saying I betrayed you? Guards block people from approaching me," he barked and made his way towards the car waiting for him. The random girl still on his side, he made her sit in the car and sat beside her.

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