IN WHICH y/n was cheated on by her boyfriend, bakugo katsuki, and goes to her best friend for comfort.
• story creds go to -BAKUGOSHOTO
• character creds go to kohei horikoshi
• cheating
• ooc
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✐ ❛ 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆 ❜ ⟿
My relationship with Bakugo was slowly improving with each passing day. Despite us mending our friendship, Dad still disliked him and wouldn't allow him to participate in any of our activities.
I walked out of my final class alongside Bakugo and Kami. An uneasiness filled the air as we walked back to the dorms. Something was... off. It wasn't between me or either of the boys, it was between the boys themselves. I turned to Kami then to Bakugo. They were harshly glaring at each other as we walked. I shuddered at the looks on their faces.
So intense!
"Kat!" we heard a sweet voice call out. Kami grinned as he saw Uraraka show up and cling onto Bakugo's arm. I could tell he was resisting the urge to shove her off of him.
"Okay, see ya, [Y/N]," Bakugo sighed. He ruffled my hair, making me groan and attempt to flatten it out again. Uraraka's face shifted into the same expression she had on most days. She looked sad and miserable. Hopefully, she leaves him soon...
The pair walked away, Uraraka's hands back to her sides as she inched away from Bakugo. I frowned as he did nothing to comfort her.
"Hm, poor girl," I thought out loud. Kami didn't respond so I looked at him, wondering if he didn't hear me. He was already walking away.
"Uh, Kami!" I called after him. I ran after him to keep up with his fast pace.
"Hey, are you okay?" I asked him, softly touching his arm. He pulled his arm away like I was a disease. My heart cracked at his actions but I ignored them. He was probably just having a bad day...
Once we got to Kami's dorm all he did was open the door for me. Other than that, he didn't talk to me or look at me. He immediately grabbed a controller and sat down on his bed, opening a game. I huffed and threw myself onto his bed. I glanced at him and scooted closer to him. He didn't react so I took that as my signal to scoot closer.
Kami groaned as he stood up and sat on the floor in front of the bed. My mouth fell agape. What was his problem?
I glared at the back of his head before laying down on my stomach and reaching my arms out. I ran my fingers through his hair. Kami seemed to relax for a minute before shaking his head. I moved my hand away from him and sighed. Instead, I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my chin on his head. Kami leaned into me and yawned. I smiled as he was finally acknowledging me.
Until he stood up and moved again.
"Kami," I whined. Denki ignored me and continued to play his game.
"Kami?" He threw his headset over his ears, blocking me out.
"I'll leave them!" I declared as I stood up with my bag and left. I fully expected Denki to beg and plead me to stay like he always did, but this time he kept quiet and acted as though I wasn't even there. I looked down sadly and walked out of his dorm without another word.
"What can I do now?" I huffed as I kicked a little pebble that had somehow made its way into the building. I was about to head to my dorm when I walked past a dorm to one of my other close friends.
"Shoto!" I chirped as I knocked on his door.
"Yes?" he responded as he opened his door not even two seconds later.
"Can I hang out with you? Denki is angry at me for something," I sighed.
"Oh, sure, come in," Shoto replied as he moved out of the way for me.
"Thank you!"
• • •
30 minutes had passed since [Y/N] left and I was beginning to feel immense guilt and loneliness. She usually never left my dorm upset. Actually, this was the first.
In truth, I was jealous that [Y/N] and Bakugo were getting so close again. I sighed as I stood up and turned my game off. I quickly threw a hoodie on and walked out of my dorm. I walked toward [Y/N]'s dorm and decided I was going to apologize. Once I arrived, I immediately knocked.
"Sunshine?" I called. I didn't receive an answer. A frown crossed my face as I knocked again.
"[Y/N]? I'm sorry!" She still didn't answer. I looked down and walked away from her dorm. As I was walking back, I heard a familiar laugh come from a certain half-hot, half-cold guy's dorm.
I slowly looked at the door.
"[Y/N], since when were you so good at this game?" I heard Todoroki sigh. I narrowed my eyes at the door as I knocked.
"I'll get it!" [Y/N] exclaimed.
"But this is my dorm!"
"Too bad!" [Y/N] laughed. I saw the door open and crossed my arms across my chest. As soon as she fully opened the door and saw me, her eyes widened.
"Kami? Why are you here?" she muttered.
"I should be asking you that, huh?" I answered, annoyed.
"Um... give me a minute, Shoto!" [Y/N] called into Todoroki's dorm. She shut the door behind her and glared at me.
"What were you doing in there?" I murmured.
"Well, since you were ignoring me, I decided to hang out with Shoto," [Y/N] huffed. She looked so innocently adorable I didn't have it in me to stay angry at her. I cracked a grin and grabbed her face. I squished her cheeks, making [Y/N] turn her face into a frown.
"Kamiiiii," [Y/N] whined. I chuckled and tilted my head.
"Yes, sunshine?"
"Were you jealous?" she asked with a mischievous smile.
"Of course not!" I replied, a blush creeping up my face. [Y/N] laughed loudly and wrapped her arms around my waist.
"You're adorable when you're embarrassed, Kami!" [Y/N] exclaimed happily. I narrowed my eyes at her before caging her against the wall with my arms. [Y/N]'s face burst into a flaming red as she looked away from me.
"You look adorable when you blush, [Y/N]," I smiled.
"Shut up! I don't blush!" [Y/N] quickly protested. I snorted and leaned down close to her ear.
"I never knew I could make you blush so much."
Hey, y'all! Been a while LMAOOO Anyways just wanted to share the fact that I am so excited to rewrite the smut chapters in this book because I have gotten so much better 😭 Okay bye!!