Beach Boys

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"I love being back here with all of you, I missed this." You hung your head over the arm of the couch, Ichimatsu playing with your hair. "I just hope things go smoothly from now on."

"We promise, (Y/N) nee-san!" Jyushimatsu grabbed your hand. "We're so sorry for making you upset!"

"It's cool. We should do something fun today."

"Oh, oh!" Todomatsu waved his hand. "Let's go to the beach!"

"Well," Ichimatsu started.

"The thing is," you continued.

"Great idea! Get ready, losers!" All but Ichimatsu scrambled after them.

"I don't want to go. Well, I want to go, but you know.

"Yeah, what if someone judges us?" You rubbed your arm. "I might look all ugly and scarred."

"Me too, and I'll look fat." He pinched his skin. "But I'll have to disagree with one thing. You wouldn't be the ugly one."

"Nuh uh, you'd be fine!"

"No, you."

"No, you!"

"HEY! STOP FLIRTING AND GET YOURSELF CHANGED!" Karamatsu poked his head around the corner. "Get your butt up here, Ichimatsu!"

"We'll figure something out," he sighed. "Change and meet us back here in less than half an hour."

"Deal. Also, Ichimatsu? I don't care how you look, I love you."

"Yeah," he looked upstairs, "maybe."


"GOING TO THE BEACH AND HAVING A GOOD TIME!" Jyushimatsu sang, helping Karamatsu carry a surfboard.

"Why are you wearing that floatie, Totty?" you asked. "You don't know how to swim?"

"I do, but it makes me look cuter!" He wore a cat-like grin. "Nobody could resist me!"

"Right." You and Ichimatsu walked side-by-side, hiding yourselves with towels. "Do you like the water, or do you hate it like a cat?"

"What? Oh no, the water's fine. I actually used to swim in competitions sometimes." He blushed.

"Really? I never would've guessed!"

"Well, you didn't know because when I stopped, I got fat."

"Stop calling yourself fat!" you scolded. "I love your body for the way it is. Oh, look!" You ran under an umbrella, beckoning him over. "Come on, we can just watch!"

"Okay." He slowly sat next to you, slipping his sandals off. "There goes Jyushimatsu."

"COWABUNGAAAAAAAAA!" Jyushimatsu and Karamatsu ran into the ocean, carrying the surfboard the whole way.

"They can surf?" you asked.

"Yeah, they're like the masters of surfing. Watch."

"HI, (Y/N) NEE-SAN!" Jyushimatsu waved. "WATCH THIS, 'KAY?"

"I'm watching, I'm watching!"

"Alright brother, some girls are probably watching now." Karamatsu pulled him up onto the board with a wink. "Let's give 'em a show."

"You sure they know what they're doing?" you asked worriedly. "Where did they learn to do this?"

"They know what they're doing, it's fine. They taught themselves."

"Themselves?! You guys impress me more and more each day!" Your jaw dropped as the two Matsus flew around a wave, laughing. Karamatsu looked at you and did poses, ones from the episode of Supernatural where Dean lip-synced Eye of the Tiger.

Forever - Ichimatsu Matsuno X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now