Mikey's Predicament

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(All this was happening shortly after Mike's rematch with Kluh in the Battle Nexus.)

Mikey was annoying his brothers again. Everyone told him to go to someone else and ask them to play with him. They all said the same thing, "I'm busy." He hated being ignored. He went to watch some TV for a change. Splinter had finally stopped watching his soaps. Now he had gone to his room to meditate. Mikey was never into that unless it was really required of him.

Soon he got bored of watching the news. He went into the kitchen to get something to eat. He was getting hungry too. His family knew he was hungry most of the time as it was. He would eat almost anything in sight. Chips were a favorite of his, besides pizza.

Soon, it was time for the evening training. Mikey and Raph were paired off tonight and Mikey wanted to make the most of fun with him. Of course, Mike's teasing soon got out of hand. Raph got so ticked off that he exploded and tried to hurt Mikey, but Mikey was too quick for him and Raph ran into the wall, again.

Leo and Don had only watched, but knew how annoying their baby bro could be. Mikey just laughed and called himself the champion. Splinter then ended training. He told Raph to find a way to blow off his steam. Besides taking to the streets with his hot temper, he also liked to take his aggression out on his punching bag.

Then Mikey was given a lecture by Don and Leo, and even Splinter. He didn't need to annoy his bro so much. "But it's just so fun to make him mad." Mikey said.

Leo and Don just shook their heads. He would never learn. They went on patrol later on and Raph got Mikey back for his prank in training. "OW!" Mikey cried out when Raph hit him on his head for the umpteenth time.

They didn't find much happening tonight so headed home. They went to bed.


Things with Mikey kept on getting more and more silly later in the week and finally everyone had blown their tops at him, even Don. Leo had been the worst. His words had been so harsh on him, it did kind of hurt his feelings.

When he had gotten away from them, he wanted to watch some TV, but found Raph on the couch. He looked over and Mikey had immediately froze. His red wearing bro was still mad as ever at him for pulling 3 pranks on him that week. Mikey left to go to the kitchen.

Splinter was in there making some tea. Mikey left there too. His sensei heard him leave, but didn't say a word. Michelangelo needed to do some thinking. He was sure that Leonardo had given him a lecture to think about.

Even Don, the quiet turtle, was mad at Mikey. He had messed in his lab once to much this time. Mikey came into talk to him. "Not now Mikey, I'm busy."

Don was his best friend. Why was he blowing him off too? Mikey sighed and left Don's lab.

Everywhere in the lair was cramped with someone else in it. Except his own room, but it was too boring in his room right now. He wanted some action. Leo was in the dojo meditating and coming up with new ideas for more training. Mikey didn't dare approach him after the stern lecture he had given him.

These days, Leo was everyone's worst nightmare to be around.

Mikey left the lair without telling anyone. He would go out to clear his head and to help others if he found anyone in trouble.

He ran along rooftops, trying to avoid being seen by Foot soldiers and Purple Dragons. He was alone and that made him a little bit more vulnerable, but he was confident enough, he could take anyone that came at him.

But soon, he had been spotted. By Foot. They soon began to chase the turtle. Mikey soon became aware that he was being chased and kept on running for only so long. He soon came to a gap between some buildings. He had nowhere to go but down. He saw some laundry hanging out to dry. He jumped down and got a hold of one and hid inside it.

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