Chapter 4: The Beginning of Trouble

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Ansel's POV
I raced away from the image of Katherine. It was just too horrible to see.  She was a close friend of mine. She was one of the people I had trained with. She was a great fighter and a great friend. She was always so loyal. I sighed.
Trixie ran into the room I was in, out of breath. "Ansel!" she cried out.
I looked up at her. "Yeah—?"
She frowned as if she were contemplating her words. "I—-Ansel, I'm so sorry about Katherine." There was pain in her golden eyes.
I looked up at her again. "It's not your fault, Trixie." I sighed.
"I'm still sorry."
"I-It's ok." I had to stay strong in front of her.
She looked at me again, her eyes changing to the soft blue that I had seen when I first met her. "Ansel—." she whispered.
"It's fine." I told her firmly. "He kills everyone, so what's the point? What's the point of mourning anymore? What's the point of caring?"  I was lying to myself but I wouldn't tell her that.
She sighed, her eyes flashing from blue to gold, then back again. "Ansel, you can still care. I know that he is killing everyone—."
"Exactly. There's no point. Case closed." I stood up and brushed past Trixie.
While I was walking away, her mind block slipped without her knowing so I read her mind.
I wish he could just open up....I don't understand. she sighed in her mind. Maybe he just doesn't trust me to open up...even though we have known each other for years....
I let out a sad sigh. I really should start opening up to her.....because of who she is to me.
Trixie's POV
I left the room and walked outside. The sun was shining dully overhead, clouds covering it. The ground was covered in snow, almost eight feet of it. I didn't mind the snow or the cold though, I just wanted to be outside to calm my nerves. It was hard being cooped up in the foundation for too long. Eventually, I would have to be outside.
I walked to the snow filled garden about a mile from the foundation. In the spring, flowers and all kinds of different plants bloomed here. It was always a beautiful place and it was my happy place. I  chose a spot on an icy bench and sat down.
Staring out at the icy garden, I thought about all the pain Katherine could have gone through while in the hands of Keres. I shivered at the thought. If only she hadn't been caught by that evil man.
I kept thinking about it and staying outside until the sun started setting.
??? POV:
I watched a young teenage girl with red hair and golden eyes sitting on a bench in the garden. I smiled victoriously, realizing I found the target.
Finally, the thought rang through my head. After years of trying to find this girl, here she was out in the open. How stupid of her.
I pulled out my phone and called him. "Master, I found the girl you were looking for. Tell me my orders and I can get her to you." I said.

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