sixty three

90 4 1


Today at 11:01 PM

Chika gurl.

Yes yes.
Actually, I feel so overwhelmed to meet his family.
They were so free and they really laugh alot.
No wonder why France is like that.
It's like they can fight through all kinds of problems as long they're together.
And her Mom is a very good cook. That's when I knew that they have a resto pala.

I heard too sa mga girls ko.
It's like chains of restos around the PH.
But France didn't brag abt it.


I like him alot that i'm scared.

Why naman?

I don't know.
What if magsawa siya sakin one day because i'm too plain?
Too formal?
I lack romance or love and affection?

He's not like that naman ano ka ba?

I mean, i don't wanna be unfair with him.
I want to reciprocate his efforts too.

Sige sige.
I have a plan.

W hat?

Surprise him sa St. Ambers at Friday after school.
He has a band diba?

Ohh, right!
Let's go there sa fri.
Thank you!

Ako pa ba?🙄

I gts na.

Okie girl.
Sleep well💛

While the Sunset Colored Waves (City Boys #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon