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"4:47" He mumbled to himself as he stared at the time on his phone. He was close enough to his house to exit out of the Maps app and pay a little more attention to his surroundings.

Luckily, when George got home, he realized his parents left the door unlocked for him. George opened then front door, "Hey I'm home! When's dinner?" he yelled

"Hey George, they're delivering it right now" replied his dad

"Oh okay, thanks!" He responded, before heading up into his new room to focus more on unpacking.

He didn't get far into his mission before getting interrupted by a phone call. This seemed like something that would happen a lot.

He checked his phone. "Nick!" said George as he answered the call.

"Hey George" Nick spoke

"Hi!" George replied

"So you saw Clay today?" He asked

"Yeah, he's really cool! How'd you meet him?" George questioned in response

"Minecraft!!! Can you believe it? I'm glad you like him. He really likes you too. He said he wants to hang out again!"

"Yeah, he told me that too. He's cool, thanks for telling me about him. It's nice having another friend, you know?" George said

"Yeah, I'm glad you have company." Nick replied

"Well I have loads of unpacking to do, and I've barely even started. Let's talk later, okay?"

"Sure thing. Bye!!" Nick said

"Bye!" George spoke, before ending the call and finally getting to continue unpacking

George set his phone aside and began unpacking.

After roughly 20 minutes, George's food arrived. As he ran down the stairs, he thanked both his parents for the food. Without thinking, he began eating right away.

After finishing dinner, he took his left over Dr. Pepper and carried it with him to his room. He was surprised his mom didn't stop him since they were in a new house, and he could spill it any second. But luckily that didn't happen.

He continued unpacking for hours upon hours, until he finally realized how exhausted he actually was.

However, his room was a mess. There was unbuilt furniture, bags of clothes, unopened boxes, and more. As much as he didn't like the mess, he was much too tired to bother cleaning it, and instead decided he'd rather finish it tomorrow.

George, luckily, made sure getting his bed built was one of the very first things he did. Fortunately, he was able to sleep in a complete bed. However, that was the only thing that was completely set up, but he wasn't complaining.

He changed out of the jeans he was wearing and put on sweatpants. He wore a plain t-shirt and slipped on ankle high socks. He didn't understand why everyone hated on people who slept with socks on. Growing up, he saw it as normal.

George flipped the light switch near the entrance to his bedroom, then continued back to his bed. He slipped himself under the covers and made himself comfy. It didn't take him long to eventually crash out against his soft pillow.

authors note~

hey! sorry for the short chapter and the horrible lag with very nonconsistent posts. i'm really trying to work more on getting george and clay to interact more! i'm so excited for their friendship, it really brings the story together. cant wait until we get to the good parts, they're so close!!!! :D

bittersweet. ⛈ ~dreamnotfound~dnf~Where stories live. Discover now