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Way above us
Peering on us with its mighty rays
Warm ...but yet so cold

Everyone wants to be at the top!
The best!
It's really lonely up in there.
So lonely that it's hard to breath.
Afraid one mistake would drag you down.
The fire globe that has been there for a long time now has become ..cold

It doesn't want anyone to see his warmth.
Maybe thats why he covers it
with his hot aggressive boiling wrath.
A facade.
A Mask
Burns everyone and everything getting close to it.

But all it ever needed
A gentle appreciation.
A genuine smile.
"Its fine to be yourself."
"I am here for you."
"Love you!"
"Its ok ro be not ok.
Its ok to be you."

Maybe thats why after the exhausting day it just
gives up.

Surrenders itself to the gentle
touch of the night
And goes far of with his warmth.
Far away from everyones night.

inks in the peaceful sea sight.

And all we could do was to see it drowning.

Sometimes silence is what all it takes to regret.
Just like you ...others too need love.

If YOU are the lonely sun in your sky
Then maybe try brighting up someone else's sky.

You will be not so lonely.

If you can't its fine.
Someone will always reach out to you with a smile.
Maybe that smile will be genuine enough to break through your cold shell and feel your warmth.


At the end

It's YOUR choice.
You need to see the smile.
May be it was always there.

~YOU can be the warm SUN.
A not so lonely one~

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