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It had been six weeks since Harry had joined the Dark Side. He had long held resentment for the Light and especially toward Dumbledore. 

It was Dumbledore who hadn't done anything more to protect his parents. 

It was Dumbledore who sent him to live with the abusive Dursleys for the first ten years of his life and every summer after

It was Dumbledore who continued to send him the the Dursleys despite his protests every year

It was Dumbledore who didn't do anything to help the petrified in Second year

It was Dumbledore who kept Sirius's innocence from Harry

It was Dumbledore who "let" him participate in the near-death experience that was Triwizard Tournament

It was Dumbledore who didn't do anything to save Sirius when he fell into the archway

But the last straw was when Dumbledore put the heavy weight of the Prophecy on Harry's shoulders directly after Sirius died. 

Harry was going to stay on the Light side if Dumbledore let him keep Remus but, no! Dumbledore had to send Remus on a pointless werewolf-recruiting trip which he probably wouldn't be returning from. 

Bloody hell. 

So, Harry had contacted Draco and (of course) Draco had been surprised. Nevertheless, Draco had taken Harry to Malfoy Manor to see the Dark Lord Voldemort. Voldemort had been surprised, to say the least, but eventually, he had come around. He had seen what a good asset Harry would be and so he gave Harry a special Dark Mark on his arm. This Dark Mark looked the same as Draco's except for the fact that it couldn't be seen by anyone other than fellow Death Eaters. 

When Harry had returned to 12 Grimmauld Place, Snape had been....stunned. Luckily, he hadn't snitched and instead had turned spy for the Dark Side while Dumbledore's Order of the Flaming Chickens still believed him to be a spy for them

However, Harry's stay at Grimmauld had been short. Why? Because the illustrious Headmaster Dumbledore had decided to force Harry to stay at the Dursleys yet again

Harry had finally relented (much to Dumbledore's delight) but under one condition: That Draco Malfoy be allowed to keep him company. Draco had complained endlessly but had eventually (albeit begrudgingly) agreed. "Only because he's my boyfriend," Draco had said.  

Yes, the Order had taken a bit of time to adjust to Harry and Draco's new relationship, but Dumbledore had also seen what a useful "tool" Draco would be. Dumbledore currently believed the Draco was a spy for the Light side, just like Snape. Except for the fact that both were spies for the Dark. But Dumbledore didn't need to know that so nobody told him. Luna seemed to know, but because her father Xenophilius was a supporter of the Dark (even though he himself was a Gray wizard), she kept quiet. Surprisingly, Hermione hadn't suspected a thing. 

So, here Harry was. In front of the dreaded doorstep of 4 Privet Drive. He was dressed in regular Muggle jeans and a white T-shirt. Unfortunately, his outfit wasn't all Muggle due to the fact that the particular white T-shirt he had chosen was Draco's and therefore had 'THE HOBGOBLINS' printed across the front along with that Wizarding band's official logo. 

Harry knew the plan. As Draco had said only and hour ago, 

          "Remember: Knock first, then explain that they'll have another wizard in the House for the next two weeks. If you need to, you can use my family's name. Oh wait-you can't because they don't know the Malfoys. Damn. can just tell them we have a lot of money and hopefully that shuts your Uncle up. Then, you wait and at half past twelve, I'll arrive. Okay, got it?"

He took a deep breath and rang the bell. 

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