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When the isle was sinking the king queens and all who lived on the isle that was the king and queens moved to the isle with the castle built for the kings and queens to have meetings with their council. That castle was only used for that but now became the kings and queens home because they were kings and queens home because they where needed to be around to keep the peace between all races that lived and worked together in the world.

On top of that they also needed to be there to guide the people as to how to keep peace and keep the lands healthy and or to make the lands become healthy again where the land would grow extremely well. When the land was growing good, they started to grow plants and raise animals that would live well in those lands.

When the storms began to form in the middle of the summer the work was halted to keep everyone safe and the animals where moved in to a safe place because the storms only lasted until autumn and then changed from wind to rain and in the winter to snow. So, all plants would be best planted in the spring and harvested in the last days of the autumn. As the new year starts the planting gets planned for the spring and the seeds chosen and put where they will grab them when they go to plant for that years crops.

As winter ends and spring begins the fields are plowed and planted. Once the crops were planted and the ground packed so the winds would not take off with the seed, they waited for the rains to start because it is a down pore every other day. Wail they waited they also were doing other things like making cloths, hunting equipment, baskets for gathering fruits veggies and nuts that grew wild. They also hunted for meat and gathered all the edible and medicinal plants they could find.

As they neared the rainy season, they had nearly gotten everything else taken care of for the rainy season. Despite the tools being thrown by the wind. On the days with no rain where the days that they went outside for more than to take care of the animals that where in the barns or to hunt and get food if they were getting low on food. Once the rainy season started, they started to do more work outside only when the winds started did, they go inside because of the winds reaching enough power to pick up the tools and hurt someone.

They were lucky that no one got hurt by any of the tools and caught them as the wind was throwing them. Yet at the same time they also where not lucky because a lion showed up and nearly killed the pregnant cow, they were taking care of for milk. Yet at the same time they failed to because the tiger shifters who were taking care of her caught it as it was stalking the cow. The cow was moved right after that for safety into the barn.

When she was in the barn, she also relaxed allot calming down from the scare she had, had from the lion who turned out to be a shifter who was new to the area and who didnt know how to control his shift. So, they took him in to teach him how to control the shift and how to use it without harming anyone. When he learned what he needed to know he joined the supernatural community that was living there until a few female lion shifters appeared in the land. When the female lion shifters showed up, they were in the same state as the male lion shifter who became part of that community.

And he took the responsibility for teaching the lionesses how to control their animal inside. In TIME, the lions moved off to a new place that they can let loose at. Because their inner animal needed to run free for a little bit to run off the frustrations of the day. So, they went into the plains where the wild bison roam free and wild to build the pride of lions that they felt was there calling. As they begin to build their home, they find that there are shifters of every kind imaginable be it predator or herbivore.

All shifters came from one of three original shifters the dragon the wolf or the tiger. The three first shifters are the ancestors of all shifters be it the werewolf, or any others most of the predatory shifters descend from the dragons and the wolfbloods. Whereas the herbivores primarily descend from the tiger bloods. As the shifters keep finding new shifters, they start to think the shifters are beginning to come from the wild animals because the humans are practically extinct. And some of the shifters are being born of the wild animals but so few that it is not really anything anyone knows about.

First the parents start to be able to talk like humans then THEIR young can change forms into human as well as the same animal as their parents are. The animals that begin to shift into what the major living thing on the planet is at that time. However only partly turning into human where they can shift into the animal that the parents where. With that they could become one or the other at any time but they also where a danger to them self and others until they learned to control their shift and the animal with in them. As winter came into view all supernaturals had everything ready for the winter.

Food was dried and stored in waterproof jars; clothing was made that would be warm to keep them from freezing to death if they went outside. Water was put in jars to freeze for the metal working that would be done in the winter. In top of the seed for the next year was already dried and stored in waterproof jars for the next years crops. The crops that would be planted in the spring.

As the snow begins to fall everyone finishes the last hunt of the year that will be split between each of the dens. As well as the last of the firewood gathering. For keeping the fires alive all winter so as to keep everyone warm. When the first snow fell so came the leaders of all the packs and clans for the annual meetings all went to the castle for the winter food was stored for all packs and clans for the annual winter gathering. In TIME, the packs would split up again back to where they lived hunted and grew food. All of which was brought with them and split up in the same way that the king and queens pack split the foods all the drinking water was stored in the cellar after it was frozen to keep the cellar color that it would otherwise be.

The entire known races of shifters and of the witches, warlocks and talking animals all gathered at the king and queens castle and their islands. The king and queen assigned an isle for each rank and each rank went to that island that they were assigned even the giants came but stayed on the outskirts of the island. They know if they went farther, they might, they might step on someone without meaning to. So, they protected everyone by staying on the outskirts of the islands that they were assigned to.

For the time they were there they all worked on tasks that each of their ranks where able to do be it making weapons or be it working on medications among other things. Each pack rank was working with the other packs of same rank and when winter was over it would all be split evenly among all the packs and clans. During the winter the king and queen stayed in the castle because of how the queen was doing she became pregnant and she was sick most of the winter only coming out of the sickness to give birth to three little pups who were born early because of how big they were compared to the normal pups with wings their wings where snow white but their bodies where of three colors.

The first born was a striped white and black. The second born was a black striped with white. The third was a golden color with stripes that where white. The golden pup was also radiating power and glowed gold from birth. The glow never faded and only grew stronger. The power she radiated was only growing stronger. The power she held was more than her mothers power when she was born and even now. As the golden pup grew her fur turned snow white with the golden aura of power. The power she had was not just stronger, but it was also of all 6 elements the ones known such as water, earth, fire, and air as well as light and shadow. The power to use the 6 elements that could only be used by one born every hundred years born with a coat of snow white that glowed gold as if the moon and sun combined. The other two pups coat colors got on the dark stripes got darker and the light stripes got lighter color. With their aura became weaker as they grew. Their aura also became more of a shadow than anything the shadow of a ruthless ruler was not a ruler that was wanted.

So, they chose the one who had the strongest and brightest aura of power to rule when they stepped down. She also showed to be the strongest of the three.

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