Chapter 1: I'm about ready to give up, Sauli.

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The Woods near Adam Lambert's Mansion
Adam's POV

I was flying through the trees in the forest surrounding the mansion I lived in, trying to find some animal to feed on. Animal blood tasted so much better than human blood, even though I wasn't against killing one, as long as they did something to deserve death. I would never kill a person if they were innocent.

I now landed on a thick branch high above the ground, tracking a deer, a doe to be specific, as she grazed on the grass below me. The night wind blew her scent up to me, and my mouth began to water. I could hear her heart beating as I watched. I had no problem keeping an eye on her, since vampires can see in the dark and from long distances.

I rose into the air, lowered myself down to the forest floor, and landed softly in front of the deer, making her look up at me and take a step back as I slowly approached her.

It's alright. I told her in my mind, using my telepathic ability to keep her calm. You don't need to be afraid of me. Just lay down, close your eyes, and sleep. I'll make it quick. I promise.

The deer did what I told her to do, curling up in the grass and going to sleep. I knelt down next to her and stroked her back gently, my touch making her go numb. I couldn't stand it when the animals I fed on suffered, so I always did this to, in a way, help them. Even so, I still felt guilty killing them, even though I needed blood to survive.

I took the doe's neck in my hands. It was now or never.

Forgive me for this. I thought as I released my fangs and gently sank them into her throat.

I kept my promise and drained her quickly. After I finished, I dug a hole in the dirt and buried her body.

Not even a few seconds later, I heard a branch snap somewhere behind me. I felt my body tense up as realized I was being watched. And it certainly wasn't another animal.

Instantly, I spun around, grabbed the other vampire by the throat, and slammed him into the tree behind him.

"Ow, hey, Adam, calm down!" My friend, Sauli, said quickly. "Is that any way to greet your best friend?"

I immediately released him and backed up a few steps.

"I'm sorry Sauli." I said quickly. "I didn't realize it was you."

"Don't apologize." He said. "It was my fault. I shouldn't have snuck up behind you. The way you reacted was natural."

"It doesn't keep me from feeling guilty for hurting you." I said.

Sauli approached me and put his arm around my shoulders.

"You didn't really hurt me." He said softly. "Sure, being slammed against a tree doesn't feel great, but I'm okay. I promise. Don't feel bad."

I nodded.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked him. "I thought you'd be home with Michael."

Michael was Sauli's mate.

"Don't worry, he knows I'm here." He said. "I wanted to check in with you and see how you were doing."

"I'm fine, Sauli." I said. "I don't know why you're always so worried about me."

"I think you do know why." He whispered. "I know you're upset about something. Just talk to me."

I sighed.

I'll tell you when we get back to the mansion." I told him. "That is, if you're okay with that."

He nodded.

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