
425 10 15

First person pov

Btw you are an insomniac and have anxiety


-After getting kicked from my old school(Karasuno) my mother forced me to go to my cousins school for my second year. Oikawa Toru is my cousin, so I basically grew up with him as my older brother and not my cousin. So I call him nii-chan. Growing up with Oikawa means growing up with Iwaizumi. It wasn't all that bad, except from being the complete opposite from Oikawa. He is all energetic and has fangirls, while I prefer to keep to myself and drown everything out with music.-

After being awake for 2 hours already my 6 am alarm goes off telling me to get ready for school. So I turn off my alarm and get up to get dressed for school. *10 mins later* "Y/n you better be up and getting ready for school" my mom yelled to me from the kitchen. "I am" I yelled back. I finish doing my hair and head down stairs with my bag. I walk in to the kitchen and sit down to eat breakfast. "Morning mom" I say. "Morning sweetie, eat up your cousin is coming to get you for your first day." she tells me. "yes ma'am" I say as I roll my eyes. 

*15 mins later* The door bell rings and I get up to go answer it and Oikawa is there. "You ready little one?" he asks me. "Don't call me that" I grumble "Let me grab my bag and headphones.". "Ok don't take to long " he reply's after me running upstairs to get my headphones. I quickly grab them off my desk and run downstairs to grab my bag and my phone off the counter. I walk out the door and lock it since mom left already.

 We start walking to school him talking as I'm just trying to ignore him. I pull my phone out and pick a song to play after I chose one I quickly pull my head phone up from my neck and drown him out. 

*10 mins later* I see the front gate of the school, as well as a bunch of Oikawa's fan girls so I quietly break off from him and go to the principles office for my schedule. As I get my schedule I see I am in class 1, so I make my way to the second year hall and start looking for my class since I'm early. 

I notice its only 6:40 so I go to the gym to ask Toru something. I get there and quietly open the door and sneak in. I see Iwa from across the gym so I set my stuff down and surprise him. After I make it over to him causing everyone to notice me. I put a finger to my lip as Kawa sees me and he understands what I'm about to do. I jump on his back and cover his eyes and he automatically grabs my legs so I don't fall. "How many times have I told you to not do that" He says while kawa is just cracking up laughing. I move my hands from his eyes and hop down "A lot but do I ever listen?" I ask as I grin. He sighs "No you never do, that's the only thing you and shittykawa have in common". 

"Well did you at least miss me?" I ask him. "Of course I did n/n" He replied as he hugged me. I hug back and can see everyone staring at us and kawa has well stopped laughing now. I let go and automatically hide behind Iwa. "Who is she and how do you two know her?"Kindaichi asked. After kawa explained that were cousins and that us three grew up together. Everyone introduced themselves. "We have one more team mate but he didn't come to morning practice today" Kawa told me. 

"That's fine, anyways I came to ask you a question nii-chan". Everyone was confused that I called him nii-chan since were cousins iwa explained while we talked. "Yea, what's up?" he asked. "Mom wants me to be the manager so I'm not walking home alone so is that fine?". "Yeah i will tell coach later" he replied. The bell rang for class and we all left to go to class.

-Thank you all for choosing to read my story. Please give me feed back if you liked it or not this is my first time posting something I myself have written. I hope you enjoyed!!-

Falling for the mad boy                                    KyotanixReader StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat