The Attack

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The next morning Y/N woke up without Jonah by her side, she freaked out. She went downstairs to see Jonah cooking pancakes and she calmed down

J: Are you ok baby you seem distraught

Y: yeah just freaked out when I woke up I had a bad dream

Even though Y/N knew that wasn't true Jonah didn't and she kept that to herself. Jonah had to go to the studio so Y/N was all alone in the house when she heard a bang come from upstairs, Y/N didn't know what to do so she immediately went upstairs to check it out. She walked around the corner to find Jonah's ex-girlfriend Tate going through his stuff and then she blacked out and woke up in the hospital with Jonah sleeping in the chair next to her.

Y/N jumped up and looked to find she was in the hospital, she screamed which woke Jonah up and he jumped up to comfort Y/N and Jonah explained that she was in a coma for 3 days and Daniel found you when he went to get Jonah's phone charger 

Y: Frick Tate hit me hard

J: What are you talking about

Y: well while you were at the studio I heard a bang upstairs and so I went to up to see what it was and I saw Tate going through your underwear drawer

J: No you were in a coma cause you fainted because of blood pressure problems  

Y: What??

J: that's what Tate told me and the doctors haven't told me anything why was Tate in my underwear drawer

Y: isn't it obvious... she still loves you

J: I know but she didn't have to raid my underwear drawer

Y: she's the crazy ex that everyone has

Just then Y/Ns ex walked and kissed her on the lips when she tried to pull away her ex had her by the hair the then pulled away on his own accord

Y: And this is my crazy ex that everyone has

E: I'm not your ex we are still together I was so worried 

Y: No we are not you cheated and I broke it off. I'm with Jonah now cause he treats me like a queen, not a peasant like you did

With that, your ex storms out and you look at Jonah and he understands that you had no control over that kiss so you put it behind you. Hours later you were discharged and was able to go home, Jonah had not been home since your accident and its not that he didn't believe you but he just doesn't understand why Tate was in his room,  so his room was a mess but he didn't know it so when he walked in his room he saw a mess and knew you were telling the truth and he got worried and hurt mainly because he was wondering why Tate would go through his stuff and he prayed that Tate did not find the ring for Y/N, see he had hidden the ring in his underwear and he was smart so he got a pocket put onto his underwear where he stashed the ring so he said to Y/N to go downstairs while he cleans up his room, she nodded. Jonah then searched where he last saw the ring and found that Tate didn't touch the ring she didn't even touch the pile so he took a short breath  

A/N sorry if this is bad i dont write much and when i do its usually really bad 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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