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After "the incident" it started to rain hard. TD didn't like the rain apparently,so he thought he could cuddle up beside me all innocent like he NEVER killed that girl. "What's wrong?", he said still innocent looking." Y-you killed Dania!", I said. "Ohh that, because she was trying to KILL you!",he argued." Sorry.", I said looking down. He smiled. I smiled too. We watched TV for the rest of the day. When I woke up I was in my bed not where I was watching TV. TD was snoring away. I was confused and just laid back down. But I couldn't go to sleep. Then I heard a little crash coming from my closet. I looked up to see Sonic the hedgehog standing in my closet. He seemed awfully different. He had black eyes and red pupils. "I'm Sonic!", he said smiling." James?", I said confused. "Ohh you tho-. He was stopped by TD who had woken up. "Shut up and get away from us you backstabber!", he yelled. "Woah slow down Tails!", he said chuckling. Suddenly he proofed and was gone. I looked at TD in confusion. "Who was that?", I said." My rival, Sonic.", he said getting back under the sheets. I was so confused.

Don't Go! A tails doll friendship storyWhere stories live. Discover now