# 1

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I know I am fat and ugly. I know I am not beautiful or pretty. Why don't you just leave me alone. It is already hard at home, yet you choose to do this. Why? Would you be happy if I disappeared. Would that make you feel better? Then would you stop saying things about me. I want it all to stop, it hurts all so much. My hearts is turning weaker, and my mind is giving up. Is this to make you feel better about yourself? This, entire name calling, bullying, just to make you feel better about yourself. What about us? What about that outcast, those already have it hard. Do we have to suffer? We have no friends, no one to turn too. Yet you chose us to beat down. Why is that? People have lost friends because of things people say. Yet people still choose to say it why? Here I am a 14 year old girl saying this to you. Stop judging people like us just because we are different. We are different because we choose to be ourselves, why should it concern any of you? To the bullies out there I have a question why do you do this? Why do you like to make us suffer? I am young, but I know what its like to be judge. For the people who read this

Bullies: Think about what you say to people, because that something might not mean nothing to you. But for somone else it might crush them. I am not gonna tell you to do anything, but just think. You may have prombems, but all I am saying is please dont take them out on someone else. If you wanna talk to me, I am all ears to listen. I do not judge people, because I know what the feeling is like of being judge. All I am saying is that if you need help please talk to me I would be honored to hear you.

Victims: Be happy with yourself, be happy that you are different. If you have enemies good that mean you stood up for something that you believe in. You are beautiful in every way. No matter what size you are, how you look like, or even how tall you are. People should judge you by how big you heart is, not how little your appearance is. And if they can't except that then screw them. I know everyone who is reading this is beautiful. Dont think any less for yourself. Everyone was put on this world for a reason, dont let anyone tell you anything less, because they are wrong.

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