~Authors Note~

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*All rights reserved*

This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any actual incidents, names, or characters is totally coincidental.

This book is not to be copied, translated, or used in any way without my written permission. So what I mean is, if there is another book out there that sounds similar or has a similar storyline please tell me, so I can hunt that person DOWN!!!! Just kidding!... Or was I??? Dun, Dunn, DUUUNNNNN!!! -_-

REMEMBER that plagiarism is punishable by law. Just use that thing in your head, everyone has one! I mean this is how I got my ideas from...

SShhhh!!! Tell no one, it can be our little secret! ;)

ANYWAY, thanks to those who actually had time to read this, cause let's face the facts, every time I see Author's note I keep scrolling down. I know it's a bit mean but I mean C'mon would you rather read the Author's note?

Or would you rather read the first chapter of this MARVELOUS STORY ???

* WARNING TO READER* This book has stereotypes, racism, suicide, gang violence - mental health mature content and all that "goody stuff" so if you feel uncomfortable with that stuff then this book is not for you ... but you'll be missing out!*

Thanks again for reading my little rants. I hope you all enjoy this book and I promise you this, You will have not read a book like this, in a good way... hopefully. So expect plot twists, romantic stuff, bad boy stuff, independent girl stuff, gang stuff and friendship stuff? Umm anyway just expect the unexpected!

On that note,


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