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It's been 2 weeks since the incident.

I roll over in my bed, searching for my alarm clock that's ringing, trying not to remember. I close the alarm and slowly rise up from my bed sitting at the end of the bed. Little does my alarm clock know I haven't slept a wink.

I look at the time and sigh, 7.15 am. 1 more hour before hell starts. I slowly rise up and force myself out of my warm and comfortable bed, unenthusiastic to start my first day at my 4th new high school. Mount Richmond High.

My older brother bursts in. The morning light reflecting on his light olive tone skin.

"Layla, we're late!"

Late? I look at my alarm clock, it is 7. 15 am. He rests his head on the doorway allowing his soft dark curls to be a cushion. "Your alarm clock is wrong, it's behind, It's actually 8. 15 am". Oh no I forgot to change the clock, it's an hour behind.

I throw myself back to my bed, "You go, I don't want to show up late".

"We won't be late Layla if we hurry up and you promised, you'll go to school!"

"No!" I say muffled through my pillow. He throws something at my leg, "I'll give you 20 minutes to get dressed Layla and we'll be out of the house".

After some time thinking I cave in "fine whatever Amir".

He chuckles and says, "I win". I mentally roll my eyes.

Shortly after he leaves, I rise up slowly forcing myself out of my warm and comfortable bed, wanting to crawl right back into it and actually sleep.

I walk to my closet, grabbing my black sweatshirt, sweats and my brown turban. If I am late, I'd rather be late comfortably. I exist out of my room and enter the only bathroom we've got. I hear my annoying brother's voice yelling "10 minutes in the shower Layla!"

I grit my teeth, "ok Amir, I've got it!."

After turning the water to the perfect temperature, I get in and wash my hair and body.

"3 minutes Layla" I hear Amir yelling from across the house. "Ok, I got it!" I shout. I close the shower and dry myself. After I finish drying I stare at myself and laugh.

My curly hair wet hair is everywhere, my dark circles are prominent on my face against my tan skin that looks yellow at the moment. I think I've also gained weight.

Essentially, I look like shit. Today isn't going to be a good day.

I sigh and slide into my clothes. I wrap my turban on my head ever so gentle, at least something on would look good. My brother is banging on my door, oh my god can he be any more annoying!?

I open the door, and see Amir with his towel in his hands. Amir looks well considering we almost got killed a week ago by his rival gang.

"Hurry it up Layla, we need to leave". I roll my eyes at him.

Amir funnily doesn't look like me, even though he's my brother. He's got pale skin and light brown hair. He looks more European than Arab/African, but that does not stop half the girls who meet him want to sleep with him. He has to reject them since he is Muslim.

He smirks, "you look like shit Layla.

"Haha," I say sarcastically, and respond back "have you seen yourself? You look like a walking shit".

He looks at me astounded "you've seen shit that walks?"

"Yes, you!" I say irritably and shove him out of the way. He snickers "breakfast is at the counter!" I walk out from the hallway to the kitchen and see cereal on the counter.

Weirdly enough, my brother and I have a good relationship, after my parents were killed, my brother has been looking after me, being my mother and father. I'm grateful I've got a good brother.

I'm halfway through eating my cereal when my Amir walks in, with his hair wet "time to go!" Even without blowing his hair, he looks good, I'm pretty sure compared to him I look like the walking shit.

"I haven't brushed my teeth, Amir!"

" Here, got you covered," he says and chucks a piece of gum.

"Thanks" I mumble back.

As we step outside, I realise that we have another sibling, my younger sister.

"What about Farah? Doesn't she start school as well?"

My brother replies "don't worry I dropped her off at her pre-school, now let's go!" he says while shoving me to his car. Yep, I don't think I could do anything without my big brother, he is my parents.

We hop in his car and Amir continues to drive till I see the new school I'll be attending. I see some students loitering in the car park. Yep, the first day at a new school in the middle of nowhere is going to be fun.

Hey guys!! I've published my first chapter of Guns and Roses! If you liked the first chapter please vote and comment, it would mean heaps to me! xx

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Hey guys!! I've published my first chapter of Guns and Roses! If you liked the first chapter please vote and comment, it would mean heaps to me! xx

~Peachy Pooh 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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