Oh Really?

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Today was a busy day at work for Angie so she told Larry to pick up Lilo from Daycare. He made his way there and Lilo was playing in the back with her friends. When she spotted Larry her eyes lit up and she ran full speed to him. He picked her up and gave her kisses. She giggled through them. "Come on put you jacket on baby." Lilo went to get her jacket out her cubby. When she reached for it another hand grabbed it as well. She snapped her head to see who it was and it was Hannah. 

LL: Let go of my jacket Hannah. 

H: Its in the way of mine Big Nose! 

LL: I'd rather have a big nose than a big knot on my head Hannah! 

Hannah scrunched her face up at Lilo and snatched her jacket off the hook. She raised it up in the air and dropped it on the ground. Lilo was about to pick it up when Hannah stepped on it and squished it in the ground with her foot. "Hope you dont plan on going to competition. Your not gonna win." She then walked away leaving Lilo looking anxious to beat her up again. But she didnt. She knew she would be kicked out of McKinely if she did that. So she picked up her jacket and walked back to Larry. 

Larry POV 

I cannot believe what just happen to my baby. I am beyond shock she let that little girl treat her like that. I know she no supposed to fight but damn she should've threatened her or something. Im pissed that this little girl is still after my baby. 

Larry knelt down in front of Lilo and helped her with her jacket. "Baby why you let that little girl punk you like that?" Lilo looked up at him with sad eyes. "Daddy I cant fight no more or get in trouble because I wont get to go to competition and the school will make me leave." Larry shook his head then looked at Hannah and her Parents. It was at that moment he had got an idea in his head. 

LL: Daddy thats the little girl that was picking on me that day that I told you about. The one I hit with a rock.. 

L: Hmph. Oh Really? 

Larry had quickly dropped Lilo off at Angie's mother's house and left back out. Usually he wouldnt go out and do an operation on his own, but since he was the leader he didnt feel like it was necessarry for the crew to get involved. This was personal. He drove out to the nearby grocery store and sat in the back side of the lot and waited. He waited out for about 30min before a tall long blonde-haired women walked out of the store. She had a pretty fancy dress on with some shades and black pumps. By her style of dress he could tell she had money. After she got her groceries in her car she hopped into the driver's seat and began to pull out. Larry followed closely behind. Almost 20min later the car pulled into a nice looking neighborhood with big houses. Every house had a nice lawn and some kids playing in the yard. Some had dogs but everyone looked happy. It made Larry a little sentimental because he knew his family would never be able to live such a peaceful life. The car with the woman in it pulled into the driveway of a house with a semicircle driveway. The woman got out and popped the trunk. Larry parked a few houses down and watched. The women got her groceries out the car. All that she could carry, and left the sodas in the trunk. She would come back for them. 

GM: Ooo! Now whats grandma's big baby doin? 

LL: I just doing my practice work for the competition. 

GM: Oh is that right? Aw (kiss on forehead) I know my Leelee gon win!  

LL: Grandma, you and pop pop comin to see me? 

GM: Of course we are baby! We wouldnt miss it for the world. 

The women got all the groceries in their correct places in the kitchen. She sighed with relief then truged outside to get the sodas. When she walked to her car, however, the trunk was closed. "Thats odd." She said. She opened the trunk back up with her key, only to reveal an empty trunk. No soda. The women turned around confused to see if someone was tricking her. "What the hell is going on?" She just shut the trunk back and walked back into the house. She made her way to the kitchen and jumped back as she was surprised at what she saw. "Oh..I sorry. I scare you. Ha! My bad." Larry said sitting at her dinning table with his feet ontop. The woman looked on in fear as she recognized his looks. 

W: Your...you-...Larr-Laur-La- 

L: Oh my god! Please figure out what you wanna say! Just say Les Twins okay! Damn! Me and my bro been in states for 15 years now, you think they know a motherfuka name? 

Larry took another few gulps of the sprite she had just bought. She slowly began to back up near the phone. Larry noticed and as soon as he did she ran to her bedroom after snatching the phone off the wall. Larry just shook his head and proceeded to follow her. "Why the fuck do people run when you bout to die. Its gonna happen anyway." 

The woman went to her room and tried to dial 911. But no dial tone. Nothing at all in fact. "Oh god come on!" At that moment Larry walked in and shut the door behind him. The woman yelped at his entrance. 

L: You know, that work easier if I hadnt cut the phone wire before you did that. 


L: Wow. You say that like I actually gonna do it. 

W: Please! What do you want from me!? 

L: Ah now thats something important! What do I want huh?....what the FUCK do I want. From you...Susan? 

He pointed at her name tag on her dress. She began to tear up and walk backwards onto the bed. 

S: Please....d-dont do this. 

Before Larry could speak he was interrupted by another voice. "Susan! Im home honey! You up there?!" Larry looked over his shoulder and grinned. 

L: Aww Hubby's home. He gonna save you huh? 

S: .......JOHN!!! 


Larry grinned looking at Susan the whole time. She shook her head. She had no idea how crazy he was. "Susan who the hell is that up there with you!...Susan!! Within a few seconds John had made it upstairs to the room. He was shocked at the scene of Larry standing in front of his wife. With a gun. 

J: Who the hell are you? What are you doing in my house? 

L: Its good you both here cuz now I can tell you...My daughter is why im here. 

J: What does she have to do with us? 

L: ....Everything. Her name is Lilo. And she was the little girl who YOUR little girl pick on the other week....and since my daughter is restricted from defending herself..I do it for her. 

S: Please sir- 

L: SHUT. You mouth Susan. Or I do it for you. (winks) 

J: Hey you wait a minute! 

L: Dont you take another step Johnny boy or there will be a hole in your throat. 

S: Look...w-we are sorry about your daughter...but we have nothing to do with this. 

L: Whatever....now Im gonna need you to do something. You drop you daughter from the competition..Or I kill you both now. 

J: N-Now wait a minute...dont you think that is a bit of a rational decision. 

L: .....hmmm yea I guess so. But I aint got time to FUCK with yall anymore.....withdrawl your daughter. Or she comes home to see her parents spread out on their own bed, drowning in blood....You got 3 seconds. 

J&S: .... 

L: 3. BANG! BANG! 

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