The Elementals : Incantation

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If you ask any teenage girl what they look forward to the most, I can assure you that their answer will be turning sixteen. I on the other hand had sort of a different situation. It wasn't that I wasn't looking forward to turning sixteen, it was the mysterious letter that had arrived in the mail addressed to me the morning of my sixteenth birthday. It was from a school I had never heard of in my entire life, and let alone applied to. I was angry that it had been sent to me, and that my parents had been ecstatic about my acceptance at Thorn Roth Estate Academy. I paced back and forth in the living room.

"Well, Levi. We really want you to go. It seems like it will be a once in a life time opportunity" My mother said as she held the crumpled letter in her pale delicate hands. My father had his hands on her shoulders - leaning over the couch to read the letter. I felt my stomach tie itself into knots and stopped pacing. My face flushing to a garnet red. Had I just heard them right?

"What?!?" I blurted out. My eyes finding it hard to stay inside their sockets."No! No! Mom, dad! You can't. We don't even know if its a real school!" I shouted. I felt my eyes sting with tears. This couldn't be happening, I must have heard them wrong. My dad stood up straight and sighed, taking off his thin lenses off his youthful face.

"Levi, this school is one of the top in the country. It says so in the letter" he replied in a firm but calm voice. I felt my mouth drop open. It was happening. I watched in disbelief as my mother shook her head in agreement with my dad.

"No! I didn't even apply! I'm not going. I won't. I don't want to leave my friends behind...I'll even do better at school! Please!" I pleaded my eyes now releasing the tears I fought to keep from surfacing. My mother pulled her small figure off of the brown leather couch and walked towards me. Pulling me close to her and hugging me.

"It's for your own good. You will thank us for this later. Now, it's late and you should go to bed. You have school tomorrow" she said as her thin lips kissed my forehead. I swallowed harshly - I wasn't planning on spending most of my night crying, so I nodded and pulled away from my mother. Her dark red hair pulled back away from her young face and revealing her dark green eyes and small nose. I wanted to hate her for making me go away. I wanted to hate them both but I couldn't. I felt like maybe they were right.

"Night" I mumbled as I turned my heels and walked out of the dim lit living room and up the wooden stairs to my room. The steps creaked as I put my weight on them, but it was expected for an old house. When I got to the top of the staircase I could hear my parents whispering to one another about something I couldn't quite make out and then it was followed by some laughter. How could they be so cheerful at a time like this? I rolled my eyes and closed the door quietly behind me and turned to face my quiet and yet messy room. My purple bed sheets were half way off my twin sized bed and my night table filled with little bits and bobs. I sighed and bit my tongue to fit the tears from surfacing again. You've already cried, it's enough for tonight Levi. I reminded myself. My eyes landed to my wooden computer desk and decided I would search this place my parents were sending me off to.

The floor boards creaked yet again as I made my way to the chair and turned my computer on. It didn't take long for the Internet to load and I found myself typing 'Thorn Roth Estate Academy' into the search engine. I waited impatiently for the page to load but when it did, I wasn't surprised. There were no results in the search engine for the school. It made me feel uneasy that I couldn't find anything on it. What kind of school didn't have a website? Frustrated I pulled the cable out of the electrical outlet and climbed into my bed, pulling the cold covers over me. Feeling sad and alone I begged my eyes to not given in to the stinging sensation and pulled the light switch off and forced myself to fall asleep.

My attempt at falling asleep was anything but successful. The constant laughter that had come from downstairs the previous night had been torturous. I was shocked that my parents continued going on like nothing had happened. Like they just hadn't agreed to send me across the country to attend a school in the middle of nowhere. I stared out my parents black SUV window at the secondary school that I had attended for the last three years.

"I already got back to the school and informed them that you will be attending" my mother said as she turned to face me with a stupid smile stretched across her face.

"Great. You know I tried to find information on the school and I couldn't find anything on it. How do we know its not a scam?" I replied sharply. She didn't seem bothered by it but instead her smile grew wider and she giggled.

"Get going you. You'll be late" and without a goodbye I stepped out into the school yard and watched her drive away from me. I felt upset that this two story white building that I would have to leave behind. I didn't see the point in coming to school today, my parents had agreed that it would be a useful day to say my farewells to my friends but I didn't want them to know I was going away. At least I wouldn't verbally tell them, they would eventually figure it out when I stopped showing up for school. The bell rang and I swallowed in, reminding myself to play it cool and act like nothing had happened and made my way into the school, a torturous day of trying to conceal a secret I didn't want anyone else to know.

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