Chapter 3♥️ Runaway Delinquents

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      "Take your shoes off before coming in."

      "Why? Are you going to steal them from me too?"

      The greenette looks down at Shouko. He smirks, a chuckle bubbling behind his teeth. "Some rules still stand for us. Besides, they are just high tops, nothing important about those shoes. However, that is a nice ice blue."

      Shouko sighs and does as she told, putting her shoes beside everyone else's shoes in exchange for mismatched slippers. These are surprisingly soft. Must've stolen them. "I'm sorry about the mess they're putting you through. But you understand that you stand out a lot in this area. Correct?" The male turns to her and puts his hand out. "I'm Izuku."

      "Sh-Shouko." She puts her hand into his and they shake. She pulls away right after and hides her hands behind her back. Everything was still awkward for her, even though everyone else decided to go somewhere else within the graffiti littered building. All except the guy Izuku called Kacchan. He glared at her as if she'd just killed his pet. "It appears to me that they don't like my presence."

      "I don't think you care for our presence, do you?"

      Huh, he has a point. The blond walks over to them with a scowl. "Kacchan! Glad to see you here."

      "Stop calling me that in front of this girl", he grumbles.

      "Then...what's your name", Shouko asks, with much hesitance of course. His crimson eyes turn to her, eyeing her up and down. A little too calculative for Shouko's liking. She felt like prey to him. "Katsuki", he huffs, "my name's Katsuki."

      "Katsuki", she parrots.

      "And I'm Eijirou!" She yelps at the loud, cheerful voice. Shouko turns around to see Eijirou standing behind her. "Whoops! Didn't mean to startle you. I just came down, and sorry about earlier. We weren't trying to scare you." He throws his arm over her shoulders and pulls her away from both leaders. "I'll introduce you to everyone. They aren't always scary."

     "Th-that's cool, but I really should-."

      "Over there is Hanta. The goth one, he's very artistic. You might like him. Then there's Mina, she was kind of a bitch to you-."

      "I fucking heard that!" The girl throws a pillow at Eijirou, aiming directly for his face but it slid over his head. Mina stands from the couch and walks up to them. "I'm sorry about that. It's a defense mechanism for me, you know?"

      Shouko nods, "yes, I get it. Everyone has one."

      Eijirou looks around the room, seeing that one other person was missing. "Yo, where's Denki?"

      "Probably ransacking her stuff."

      "There's nothing valuable in here. Just a bunch of stupid school work." Denki peeks at Shouko and sighs. His face is beet red from the embarrassment he felt as he hands her the backpack. Shouko snatched it from his hands and hugs it tight. "My bad! I thought you would've had something nice in there. I don't see why the bag is so important to you though."

      "First, why would I bring anything valuable to school? Secondly, I need this because my assignments are in here. I'm a straight A student, I'm not letting you be the cause of my grade diminishing."

      Mina and Hanta laughs as Denki whines from the girl's smart-mouth comment. Eijirou pats him in the back, all while snickering a laugh. Mina puts her arm around Shouko and squeezes their bodies close together. "I like her! She's feisty~. Hey! Can she stay with us?"

      "What a change in your attitude", Izuku jokes. "I'm afraid she won't though, I'm sure her parents are worried sick about her."

      "Oh! I can walk her home", Denki suggests, "consider it as an apology."

      "There's no way you're taking her home! You're hella bad with directions", Katsuki shouts, "one of us would have to find your sorry ass!"

      Shouko shakes her head, "th-that will be unnecessary. Very unnecessary. I'll just take my leave and-." She bumps into someone in the middle of her sentence. She tilts her head up to see sharp green eyes staring down at her. "It's dark, and I don't think you want to get caught by someone worse than us. Now would you?" Shouko turns her head away and lifts a strap onto her shoulder. She clutches it tightly, her mind racing with the many scenarios that played. Shouko didn't want any of them to find out where she lived nor did she want to get caught by an unwelcoming group of rascals. Why was it so hard to think her problems through?

     Katsuki growls and pushes himself from the wall. "Let's go, I'll take you home."

      "But I didn't-!"

      "This is not negotiable. Get your ass over here and let's move." Letting out an exasperated scoff, she heads for the door and slips her shoes on. The blond holds the door open for her until she was out. Mina pouts, "aw that's too bad, she's so cute and naive. I wanted to talk to her more."

      "If I were her I wouldn't want anything to do with you", Hanta points out.

     "It was a defense mechanism! A defense mechanism!"

      "Ha! That can't always be your excuse, right Midoriya? Eh, Midoriya?" The said boy 'huh' at Hanta in question as he looks away from the metal door. It was obvious that his mind was somewhere else. "What?"

      "Mm, nothing. It ain't important."

     The silence was awkward and tense. It made Shouko want to get home sooner. Katsuki made it all seem heavier, his grouchy expression and aura made her want to crawl into a shell and never come out. "You wanna say something?"

     "S-sorry", Shouko squeaked.

     "You keep stare'n at me as if you wanna say something. Don't think I can't see you. What's on your mind?"

      "....are you guys a gang? Because if so, that's really lame. There aren't any gangs around."

      Katsuki clicks his tongue, "straight to the point. To put it simply, we're all runaways. We aren't actually a gang you'll likely see in movies or books. Me and Deku have been knowing each other before we could even walk. Our moms were best friends. The others just kind of came along as the years went on."

      "Ah. I see. Do you...miss your mom?"

      "Tch! That old hag? Hell no. She was a total control freak."

       "Really? My mom is too. Actually, both of my parents are really strict. My dad is more on the overprotective spectrum though."

      "Heh, those can be the worst. My dad was loving, but a fucking wimp against my mom." They step on to the train station. Shouko showed a bit of concern with the busy area. Katsuki noticed that she wasn't beside him and stops. He looks behind to see Shouko frozen in place. What's her deal now? "Yo! Let's get a move on!"

      "I've...never had to go through any sort of transportation besides driving with my chauffeur. all new to me."

     Katsuki walks up to her and grabs her wrists. He made sure to be careful since he was known to have a tight grip. Shouko blushes at the connection. "You can't just stand around. The train isn't gonna wait on your ass. And where we're trying to get to will take thirty extra minutes if we walked. Now let's go."


     Katsuki was already feeling annoyed, being in this suburban area was something he was trying to avoid. Yet he volunteered himself to take this damsel in distress back home. "Oi. Are you good from here?"

     "Yes, thank you for taking me home. And for being with me during my first experience on the train."

     Katsuki averts his gaze from Shouko. He could feel a little warmth coming into his cheeks. "Y-yeah sure. Whatever. Now run along, I don't wanna see you again."

      "Heh, the feeling is mutual."

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